
叙事与听觉空间的生产 被引量:19

Narrative and the Production of Auditory Space
摘要 人类社会进步的一大标志,是由空间中事物的生产发展到空间本身的生产。口头叙事用声音覆盖住一定范围的空间,剧场、影院和音乐厅等实体空间容纳了形形色色的叙事交流。戏剧是前工业时代最具人气效应的大众传播,为使人们集中注意力,演出方面需要筑起环绕整个剧场的“声墙”。评价和议论也是叙事消费的重要方式,一些注重“被看”的消费者甚至把传播场所当作社交平台。今人电脑屏幕上不时弹出的评论性字幕(弹幕),使消费者产生和人边看边聊的感觉,微信群中的“聊天”亦属虚拟空间中的互动。影院中的环绕立体声把观众与银幕世界包裹进一个统一的听觉空间,模糊乃至消弭了两者之间的界限。罗兰·巴特声称小说世界与咖啡馆、立体声音响有相似之处,巴赫金说陀思妥耶夫斯基的复调小说以各种声音的对话为中心,中国古代小说则努力用书场感征服读者。叙事从一开始就是一种生产听觉空间的行为,今人采用的叙事手段越来越丰富,但从实质上说仍未摆脱对听觉交流的模仿。 One of the major marks of the progress of human society is the development from the production of things in space to the production of space itself.Oral narrative uses sound to cover a certain range of space,and physical space,such as theater,cinema and concert hall,accommodates various narrative communication.Drama was the most popular form of mass communication in pre-industrial age,and the performance required a“sound wall”around the theatre to keep people focused.Comment and discussion were both significant ways of narrative consumption,and the communication place was regarded as a social platform by some consumers who paid more attention to“being seen”.In present times,the commentary subtitles(danmaku)pop up on the computer screen from time to time to make consumers have the feeling of chatting with people while watching,and“chatting”in WeChat group also belongs to the interaction in the virtual space.Surround stereo in the cinema wraps the audience and the screen world into a unified auditory space,blurring or even eliminating the boundary between them.Roland Barthes claims that the fictional world is similar to caféand stereophonic sounds,and Mikhail Bakhtin says that Fyodor Dostoyevsky s polyphonic novels center on the dialogue of various sounds and ancient Chinese novels strive to capture the reader s attention with the sense of being present on the storytelling scene.Narrative has been a kind of act of producing auditory space from the very beginning.Nowadays,people adopt more and more abundant narrative means,but they still havent got rid of the imitation of auditory communication in essence.
作者 傅修延 FU Xiuyan(Center for Narrative Studies,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330027,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期89-98,共10页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中西叙事传统比较研究”(16ZDA195)。
关键词 叙事 听觉空间 空间生产 大众传播 剧场 巴赫金 narrative auditory space production of space mass communication theatre Mikhail Bakhtin
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