2020年5G将逐渐进入大规模部署商用阶段,作为关键信息基础设施和数字化转型的关键力量,5G在开启万物互联新局面的同时,也面临全新的安全挑战和风险.5G通信采用NFV SDN、网络切片、云计算、MEC等新技术来满足垂直业务场景的多样化需求,与传统网络相比更加复杂、灵活、开放,新技术的引入将伴随新的安全风险及挑战.分析了5G关键新兴技术面临的安全挑战及新技术给5G带来的安全需求,并结合技术特点给出相应的应对策略.
In 2020,5G will gradually enter the stage of large-scale deployment and commercial use.As a key force in the critical information infrastructure and digital transformation.5G uses new technologies including NFV SDN,network slicing,cloud computing,MEC to meet the diversified needs of vertical business scenarios.Compared with traditional networks,5G is more complex,open and flexible.The introduction of new technologies will be accompanied by new security risks and challenges.This paper analyzes the security challenges and security demand that new technologies will bring to 5g,and gives corresponding countermeasures based on the technical characteristics.
Hao Ziqi(Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Operation Center,China Mobile Research Institute,Beijing 100053)
Journal of Information Security Research