
大数据环境下开放政府云平台架构设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and Implementation of Open Government Cloud Platform Architecture under Big Data Environment
摘要 [目的/意义]旨在加大我国政府数据公开透明度、借助云计算推动开放政府云平台的建设与应用。[方法/过程]基于中国政府公开信息整合服务平台及各省市、地区政府数据开放平台的研究基础,阐述与分析开放政府云平台的应用现状、建设现状及评价体系。[结果/结论]我国政府数据开放整体水平尚处于起步阶段,在数据采集、数据质量、数据标准和开放程度等方面还需进行诸多探索,技术上也需加大实践力度和创新度。构建了由基础层、数据层、系统层和应用层组成的全国统一开放政府云平台架构,并构建了数据采集子系统、数据质量管理流程、开放数据目录子系统、主动开放管理子系统作为开放政府云平台的技术支撑。 [Purpose/significance]The paper is to improve the transparency of Chinese government data and promote the construction and application of open government cloud platform through cloud computing.[Method/process]Based on the research foundation of Chinese Government Public Information Online and government data opening platforms of various provinces and regions the paper expounds and analyzes the application status construction status and evaluation system of open government cloud platform.[Result/conclusion]The overall level of government data opening in China is still in its infancy.There are still many explorations in data collection data quality data standards and openness and more efforts and innovation are needed in technology.The paper constructs a national unified open government cloud platform architecture composed of the basic layer data layer system layer and application layer and constructs the data collection subsystem data quality management process open data directory subsystem and active open management subsystem as the technical support of the open government cloud platform.
作者 毛太田 庄穆妮 曹丹 李勇 Mao Taitian;Zhuang Muni;Cao Dan;Li Yong(School of Public Administration Xiangtan University,Xiangtan Hunan 411105;School of Economics and Management Changsha University,Changsha Hunan 410022)
出处 《情报探索》 2020年第8期69-75,共7页 Information Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“大数据环境下政务信息资源优化配置与服务模式创新研究”(项目编号:15BTQ051)成果。
关键词 大数据 政府数据 开放政府 云平台 big data government data open government cloud platform
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