
上海市松江区居民膳食模式与糖尿病的相关性:基于贝叶斯稀疏潜在因子模型 被引量:2

Relationship between dietary patterns and type 2 diabetes among residents in Songjiang District of Shanghai: Based on Bayesian sparse latent factor model
摘要 [背景]中国糖尿病患者人数高达1.21亿。贝叶斯稀疏潜在因子模型可在同时纳入多个影响因素的同时,分析人群的膳食模式。[目的]研究上海市松江区中山街道人群膳食及膳食模式与糖尿病的关系。[方法]研究对象选取自上海松江区中山街道居民,纳入标准为居住半年以上的20~74岁上海户籍居民,共纳入3587名研究对象。将研究对象分为健康人群(458人,自我报告未患糖尿病、冠心病、高脂血症等,且现场体检结果显示未患糖尿病),糖尿病患者(458人,自我报告患有糖尿病,且现场体检结果显示为糖尿病患者)以及新发糖尿病人群(276人,自我报告未患病,现场体检结果显示为糖尿病)三组。采用包含29类食物的食物频率问卷调查食物摄入情况,通过调查每种食物摄入频次以及每次摄入的量评估调查对象每日摄入量。将食物摄入量标准化(减去均值后除以标准差)后纳入后续的贝叶斯稀疏潜在因子模型分析膳食模式。对健康人群以及糖尿病患者分别进行膳食模式分析,然后将健康人群以及新发人群纳入模型,分析食物以及膳食模式与糖尿病发病之间的关系。[结果]健康人群、糖尿病患者以及新发糖尿病人群中,除婚姻状况外,性别、年龄以及退休状态差异均具有统计学意义(P值分别为0.0025、<0.0001、<0.0001)。在这三个人群食物摄入量的多组别以及两两比较中,大米(均值分别为288.52、256.88、304.48 g·d^-1),水果(均值分别为127.52、79.77、95.15 g·d^-1),酸奶(均值分别为35.45、17.20、19.09 g·d^-1),豆浆(均值分别为26.01、16.24、17.83 g·d^-1),碳酸饮料(均值分别为13.58、3.00、6.38 g·d^-1),纯果蔬饮料(均值分别为9.16、2.67、5.09 g·d^-1),糖果巧克力(均值分别为2.11、0.16、0.99 g·d^-1)以及糕点类(均值分别为11.05、8.09、8.61 g·d^-1)差异均具有统计学意义。在健康人群中共获得5类膳食模式,糖尿病患者获得3类。纳入新发糖尿病人群以及健康人群的分析获得5类膳食模式,这些膳食模式与糖尿病发病不相关;而一些食物则与发病相关。糖尿病发病与深色蔬菜、奶类、酸奶类、其他畜肉类、淡水鱼类、海水鱼类、虾蟹贝类的摄入量呈负相关(因子载荷分别为-0.45、-0.12、-0.16、-0.13、-0.23、-0.48、-0.14),而与新鲜蔬菜以及加工肉类的摄入量呈正相关(因子载荷都为0.12)。[结论]糖尿病患病状态影响个体膳食模式。在新发糖尿病人群与健康人群中未发现某一膳食模式与糖尿病有相关,而某些特定的食物摄入与糖尿病的发生可能有关。 [Background]The number of people with diabetes in China has reached 121 million.The Bayesian sparse latent factor model can include multiple influencing factors at the same time to obtain the food patterns of a study population.[Objective]This study investigates the relationship of diabetes with food items and dietary patterns among residents of Zhongshan Street,Songjiang District,Shanghai.[Methods]The study population were the residents of Zhongshan Street,Songjiang District,Shanghai,who were Shanghai registered residents,aged 20-74 years,and had lived in the community for more than half a year.A total of 3587 participants were included into the analysis.They were divided into healthy people(n=458,who did not self-report diabetes,coronary heart disease,hyperlipidemia,etc.,and whose on-site health examination results did not show diabetes),diabetes patients(n=458,who self-reported diabetes,and whose on-site health examination results confirmed diabetes),and new diabetes patients(n=276,who self-reported to be healthy,but whose on-site health examination results confirmed diabetes).Food intake data were collected using food frequency questionnaire(FFQ)which included 29 food items.Participants’daily intake was assessed by examining how often each food was consumed and how much was consumed each time.All food intake was standardized by subtracting the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation to incorporate subsequent Bayesian latent factor models to derive dietary patterns.Dietary patterns were analyzed in both healthy people and diabetes patients.Then the healthy people and the new diabetes patients were included in the third model to analyze the relationship of incidence of diabetes with single food factors and dietary patterns.[Results]Except marital status,there were significant differences in gender,age,and retirement among the three groups(P=0.0025,<0.0001,and<0.0001,respectively).Comparisons of food intake showed that there were significant differences among the three groups in the intakes of rice(mean values were 288.52,256.88,and 304.48 g·d^-1,respectively),fruit(mean values were 127.52,79.77,and 95.15 g·d^-1,respectively),yogurt(mean values were 35.45,17.20,and 19.09 g·d^-1,respectively),soy milk(mean values were 26.01,16.24,and 17.83 g·d^-1,respectively),carbonated beverages(mean values were 13.58,3.00,and 6.38 g·d^-1,respectively),pure fruit and vegetable beverages(mean values were 9.16,2.67,and 5.09 g·d^-1,respectively),confectionery chocolate(mean values were 2.11,0.16,and 0.99 g·d^-1,respectively),and pastries(mean values were 11.05,8.09,and 8.61 g·d^-1,respectively).Five dietary patterns and three dietary patterns were derived from the healthy people and diabetes patients respectively.There were no relationships between dietary patterns and the incidence of diabetes after including the healthy people and the new diabetes patients in the third model,but relationships between some food items and diabetes were observed.The intakes of dark vegetables,milk,yogurt,other livestock meat(except pork),freshwater fish,sea fish,and shrimps,crabs,and shellfish had negative relationships with the incidence of diabetes(the factor loadings were-0.45,-0.12,-0.16,-0.13,-0.23,-0.48,and-0.14,respectively),and the intakes of fresh vegetables and processed meat had positive relationships with the incidence of diabetes(both factor loadings were 0.12).[Conclusion]Diabetes will change dietary patterns.In the selected new diabetes group and healthy group in the study,dietary patterns have no relationships with diabetes.The intakes of certain food items may be associated with the incidence of diabetes.
作者 周小锋 李帆 陈婧司 陈波 厉曙光 ZHOU Xiao-feng;LI Fan;CHEN Jing-si;CHEN Bo;LI Shu-guang(School of Public Health,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China;Department of Nutrition,Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China)
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期546-552,共7页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0400602)。
关键词 糖尿病 膳食模式 贝叶斯稀疏潜在因子模型 diabetes dietary pattern Bayesian sparse latent factor model
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