
从列宁党建理论看马克思主义政治学经典的现代价值 被引量:1

The Modern Value of Marxist Classics of Political Science from the Perspective of Lenin’s Theory of Party Construction: Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Lenin’s Birth
摘要 20世纪的一个显著标志,就是现代无产阶级在列宁主义的指导下以全面政治化和组织化的方式登上历史舞台。列宁当年在《怎么办》等代表性政治著作中所提出的帝国主义时代无产阶级政党的理论,政治、组织原则,在今天不但没有过时,反而更加具有非常强大的现实指导意义。与伯恩施坦主义和现代西方自由主义政治学不同,列宁主义拥有更加持久的生命力,列宁主义的经典文本仍具有不朽的价值与魅力。在仍处于帝国主义时代的今天,我们可以说:只有承认马克思主义,同时也承认列宁主义的人,才是马克思主义者。 One of the notable signs of the 20 th century is the rise of the modern proletariat to the historical stage in a fully politicized and organized manner under the guidance of Leninism.The theoretical,political and organizational principles of the proletarian political parties in an imperialist era,as proposed by Lenin in his representative party-building and political writings such as"How to Do",are not outdated today,but are of greater practical significance.Unlike Bernsteinism and modern Western liberal political science,Leninism has a more enduring vitality,and the classic texts of Leninism still have immortal value and charm.Today,still in the age of imperialism,we can say that only those who recognize both Marxism and Leninism are Marxists.
作者 孙夺 Sun Duo
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期55-67,108,共14页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
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  • 1Isaiah Berlin, John Smart Mill and the Ends of Life, in Four Essays on Liberty, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984, p.132.
  • 2Isaiah Berlin, Herzen and his Memoirs, in Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas, London: Hog- arth, p. 196.
  • 3Isaiah Berlin in Conversation with Steven Lukes, Salmagundi, No.120, Fall 1998, p.90.
  • 4Isaiah Berlin, Alleged Relativism in Ejghteenth- Century Eropean Thought, in The Crooked Timber of Hu- manity: Chapters in the History of Ideas, London: John Murray, 1990, p.79.
  • 5Isaiah Berlin, Nationalism: Past Neglect and Pre- sent Power, in Against the Current, p.333.
  • 6Isaiah Berlin, The Pursuit of the Ideals, in The Crooked Timber, p.15.
  • 7Isaiah Berlin, The Apotheosis of the Romantic Will: The Revolt against the Myth of an Ideal World, in The Crooked Timber, p.208.
  • 8George Crowder, Value Pluralism and Liberalism, in George Crowder and Henry Hardy (eds.) , The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin, New York: Prometheus Books, 2007, p.226.
  • 9William Galston, Must Value Pluralism and Reli- gious Belief Collide? in ibid., p.153.
  • 10Isaiah Berlin, The Originality of Machiavelli, in A- gainst the Current, pp.69, 50, 55, 74-5.











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