

Clinical analysis of 55 patients with COVID-19
摘要 目的分析55例新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者的临床特征及治疗。方法回顾性分析55例COVID-19患者的临床资料,分析患者的流行病学特点、临床表现、实验室检查、影像学表现和治疗及转归。结果 55例患者中,轻型1例,普通型51例,危重型3例。患者首发症状以发热、咳嗽为主,2例患者入院时无明显症状。患者潜伏期(4.56±2.43) d,就诊时病程(4.55±1.56) d,住院时间(15.25±4.68) d。部分患者出现白细胞计数、淋巴细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数和白蛋白降低,CRP、D-D、ALT、AST、SCr升高。85.45%患者胸部CT表现为单肺或双肺多发磨玻璃样病灶。针对COVID-19最常见的治疗方法为阿比多尔+洛匹那韦/利托那韦+干扰素吸入,部分患者使用抗菌药物或糖皮质激素治疗。所有患者病情好转,52例患者治愈出院,3例转至其他医院继续治疗。结论 COVID-19以普通型为主,规范合理使用抗病毒药物可改善患者病情。 Objective To analyze the clinical features and treatment of 55 patients with coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19).Methods The clinical data of 55 COVID-19 patients were retrospectively analyzed,which included epidemiological characteristics,clinical manifestations,laboratory examinations,imaging findings and treatments.Results Fifty-five patients were classed as light type in 1 case,common type in 51 cases and critical type in 3 cases.The initial symptoms were mainly fever and cough.Two patients had no obvious symptoms at the time of admittion.The incubation period of the COVID-19 patients was(4.56±2.43) days,the course of illness was(4.55±1.56) days,and the hospital stay was(15.25±4.68) days. The white blood cell count,lymphocyte count,neutrophil count and albumin were decreased and CRP,D-D,ALT,AST and SCr were increased in some patients.Chest CT showed that 85.45% of the patients had multiple ground-glass lesions in one lung or both lungs.The most common treatment for COVID-19 was arbidol combined with lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon inhalation,and some patients were treated with antibacterial drugs or glucocorticoids.All patients were improved after treatment,52 patients were cured and discharged,and 3 patients were transferred to other hospitals to continue treatment.Conclusion The patients with COVID-19 are mostly classed as common type.Standardized and rational use of antiviral drugs can improve the illness status of COVID-19 patients.
作者 吴庆荣 宋晓兵 龚享文 刘春云 刘建平 刘辉 WU Qingrong;SONG Xiaobing;GONG Xiangwen(Department of Medicine Services,Affiliated Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital,Gannan Medical College,Ganzhou 341000,CHINA)
出处 《江苏医药》 CAS 2020年第6期546-550,共5页 Jiangsu Medical Journal
基金 江西省科技厅重点项目(2020YBBGWL006)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Coronavirus disease 2019
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