

A Study of Ye Gongchaos Thought on Comparative Literature
摘要 叶公超经历了从比附西学到中西比较的转变。自任职清华以后,叶公超开启了他的比较文学实践。他丰硕的比较文学成果受艾略特(T.S.Eliot)和瑞恰慈(I.R.Richards)等欧美学者的影响,更是与清华大学人文学科的比较传统、博雅教育体制密不可分。他大力推介20世纪30年代欧美盛行的现代主义文学,不仅借鉴艾略特等欧美现代主义文学来补充和丰富中国新诗,而且从中吸取平行比较的方法。他自觉地运用这种比较观念和外国知识弘扬唐宋诗词等博大精深的中国古典文学,彰显中国文字的优势,并对徐志摩和鲁迅等中国新文学作家进行更为全面和客观的评价。他一再强调中国新文学除了要借鉴西方文学技巧之外,更多地还需要借鉴中国文学和文字;只有通过富有特色的民族文学这个媒介,不同民族文学之间的交流才能深入持久。比较文学是既保持民族文学特色又存在国际联络的文学批评。 Ye Gongchao experienced a transformation from the dependence on Western learning to the comparison between China and the West. Since Ye Gongchao taught in Tsinghua University,he started his practice of comparative literature. His fruitful achievements in the field of comparative literature are influenced by such European and American scholars as T.S. Eliot and I.R.Richards,and are especially related to the comparative tradition and liberal education system of Humanities in Tsinghua University. At the same time,he strongly recommended the modernism literature prevailing in Europe and America in the 1930s. He not only drew on Eliots literature and other European and American modernist literature to supplement and enrich Chinese new poetry,but also absorbed the method of parallel comparison. He consciously used this comparative method and foreign knowledge to promote the broad and profound Chinese classical literature,such as Tang and Song poetry,and to highlight the advantages of Chinese characters. By using the comparative method,he made a more comprehensive and objective evaluation of Chinese new literature,such as Xu Zhimo and Lu Xun. In the comparison of Chinese and Western literature,he repeatedly stressed that Chinese new literature should learn more from Chinese literature and characters than from western literature skills. In his view,only through the distinctive national literature as a medium,can the communication between different national literatures have a lasting relationship. Comparative literature is a kind of literary criticism that not only maintains the characteristics of national literature but also has international connections.
作者 凌淑珍 LING Shu-zhen(Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Department of Foreign Languages,Northwest A&F University,Xianyang 712100,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第4期75-82,共8页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 清华大学自主科研计划文科专项项目(2016THZWWH05)的研究成果。
关键词 叶公超 比较文学 中国新文学 博雅教育 Ye Gongchao comparative literature Chinese new literature liberal education
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