

Mechanism of Liver Depression and Qi Stagnation Type of Chronic Gastritis Impacting Patients underwent PCI
摘要 消极情绪对增加经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)后患者10年内的全因病死率有明显的正相关性,而消极情绪对PCI术后患者的预后造成不良影响的病理生理学机制尚未完全清楚,因此作者将着手于探析消极情绪引发肝郁气滞型胃炎,并由该证型慢性胃炎对PCI术后患者预后影响的机制。根据Kala等学者的meta分析数据显示,约有31.1%的患者在冠脉支架术后存在焦虑情绪。而带有焦虑情绪患者的PCI术后康复治疗往往并不理想,并且预后不良。目前国内外学者对焦虑情绪引起PCI术后患者不良预后的机制鲜有研究。本文将从焦虑情绪引起消化道疾病后造成体内环境改变,继而不利于心脏功能恢复的其中一个方面,综合探析焦虑情绪对PCI术后患者预后影响的机制。张慧等研究显示,虽然近10年来我国由于HP感染引发的慢性胃炎患病率呈下降趋势,但由精神因素为首的一系列非HP感染因素引起的慢性胃炎的发病率正在逐年增加,因此对精神压力造成消化系统功能障碍的影响应该予以重视。而在临床上可常见患有消化系统疾病的病人合并循环系统疾病。因此,控制慢性胃炎对PCI术后患者的健康管理有重要意义。根据国内外的相关文献及研究,分别从中、西医两个角度,对焦虑情绪引起PCI术后心室重构、支架后再狭窄两个危险因素进行机制探析。 The depression and anxiety symptoms are associated with all-cause mortality in PCI patient prominently.Whereas,the influence of depressed and anxious symptoms for patients who underwent PCI in pathophysiological mechanisms is unclearcurrently.The author got insight into the depression and anxiety symptoms causing chronic gastritis of liver depression and Qi stagnation typeand discussed the mechanism of this type of chronic gastritis affectingpatients who underwent PCI.According to the Meta-analysis from KELE’s study,there were 31.1%of patients who had underwent PCI with anxiety possessing a grave prognosis.This state was associated with adverse cardiac rehabilitation.Currently,the study of relationship between anxiety and the prognosis after undergoing PCI was rare either at home or abroad.In this paper,the author would put the point on defining the mechanism of depression causing digest disorders,subsequently the change of internal intestines delaying the heart rehabilitation.The report from ZHANGHuishowed that the precalence rate of Hp gastritis was decline,whereas other origin causes of chronic gastritis were increasing year by year.The emotion had typically influence on digestion.It is normal in clinic that the cardiovascular disorders accompany with digest disorders.Therefore,the therapy for digestion is meaningful to cardiac rehabilitation.According to the relevant reports around the world,the author make a systematic discussion about ventricular remodeling and restenosis after stent implantation on the progress of Chinese medicine and western medicine.
作者 牛玉文 姜钧文 NIU Yuwen;JIANG Junwen(Graduate School,Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110847,Liaoning,China;Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110032,Liaoning,China)
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2020年第6期4-8,共5页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(81803978)。
关键词 PCI术后 消极情绪 肝郁气滞型 慢性胃炎 预后 心室重构 支架后再狭窄 机制探析 after PCI depression and anxiety symptoms liver depression and Qi stagnation type chronic gastritis prognosis ventricular remodeling restenosis after operation mechanism analysis
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