

Clinical validation of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleic acid detection method
摘要 目的验证基于实时荧光PCR技术对中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒临床诊断检测方法的准确性和有效性。方法选取MERS-CoV的E基因上游区域(up-E)和N2基因保守区作为扩增靶区域,设计特异性引物探针,通过实时荧光PCR扩增体系对中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒核糖核酸的up-E和N2基因进行定性检测,对203例模拟阳性样本、175例阴性和干扰样本进行检测验证。结果203例模拟阳性样本和175例阴性和干扰样本检测结果与对照方法完全一致,符合率为100%。结论初步验证MERS-CoV核酸检测方法可靠、准确。 Objective Evaluation of the RT-PCR technology on accurate and effective detection methods for the clinical diagnosis of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus.Methods Select the upstream region(up-E)of the E gene and the conserved region of the N2 gene of MERSCoV as the amplification target regions,probes and specific primers were designed.By RT-PCR amplification system,examination and verification of 203 simulated positive samples,175 negative and interfering samples were performed.Results The results of 203 positive samples and 175 negative samples were fully consistent with the control sample method,the consistence rate was 100%.Conclusion The method of MERS-CoVis reliable and accurate.
作者 纪金玲 李永利 夏丽芳 刘亚楠 郭桐生 Ji Jinling;Li Yongli;Xia Lifang;Liu Ya'nan;Guo Tongsheng(Clinical Laboratory,Liaoyang Infectious Diseases Hospital,Liaoning Province,Liaoyang,Liaoning,111000,China;Clinical Laboratory Medicine Center,The Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital,Beijing,100039,China;Clinical Laboratory,Mentougou District Hospital of Beijing,Beijing,102300,China)
出处 《当代医学》 2020年第22期25-27,共3页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 中东呼吸综合征 实时荧光定量PCR 核酸 MERS-CoV RT PCR Nucleic acid
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