

The Application of "Output Oriented Method" in the Course of British and American Literature
摘要 "产出导向法"由文秋芳教授提出,强调在教学中学生应边学边用,进行有效的学习,不仅要实现提高学生英语综合运用能力的工具性目标,而且要达成高等教育的人文性目标.英美文学课程是大学英语专业的必修课程,本文针对产出导向法应用于英美文学进行探索和尝试. "Output oriented method"was put forward by Professor Wen Qiufang.It emphasizes that middle school students should use it while they are learning and learn effectively.It is not only necessary to achieve the instrumental goal of improving students'comprehensive ability of using English,but also to achieve the humanistic goal of higher education.English and American literature is a required course for college English majors.This paper attempts to apply output oriented approach to English and American literature.
作者 陈晓琳 CHEN Xiaolin(Department of Foreign Languages and Literature,Hengshui University,Hengshui,Hebei 053000)
出处 《科教导刊》 2020年第13期131-132,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 河北省教育科学研究“十三五”规划课题:“产出导向法”在英语专业英语视听说课程中的应用,课题编号:1903033。
关键词 英美文学课 产出导向法 具体应用 British and American Literature course output oriented method specific application
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