
新冠肺炎疫情下阐释肺藏象 被引量:2

Explanation of Lung and Its Manifestation in Context of COVID-19
摘要 基于新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)的相关内容,探索与阐释肺藏象及其发病的诸多问题。呼吸是生命存在的首要条件,肺主气司呼吸,营卫宗气为其基础。天气通肺,清气能入;肺气通天,浊气能出。呼吸以升降出入为基本形式,肺系是呼吸清浊出入之道路,朝百脉是肺与脏腑百骸联络的独特方式,开窍于鼻、外合皮毛是肺主卫外的结构基础。口、鼻、皮毛成为邪气犯肺之关隘,肺系与百脉是邪气犯肺之通道,同时肺中邪气藉此排出体外或遍传周身。提出肺受邪、肺生邪、肺藏邪、肺散邪、肺祛邪、肺能制邪等观点;肺病呼吸失和,气机升降出入失常影响一身气化;有肺则生,肺伤则病,无肺立死。扶正保肺是治疗包括新冠肺炎在内的肺系病证之总则。 Based on the relevant contents of COVID-19,problems of the lung and its manifestation,as well as diseases of the lung were discussed and explained.Respiration is the first requirement for life.The lung governs the qi and controls the respiration,with nutritive qi,defensive qi and pectoral qi as the basis.The celestial qi communicates with the lung,so the lucid qi can enter the body.The lung qi communicates with the sky,so the turbid qi can be excreted from the body.The basic form of respiration includes ascending,descending,exiting and entering.The lung system is the passage from which the lucid qi enters the body and the turbid qi is excreted.Blood vessels of the whole body converge in the lung,which keeps the lung,viscera and limbs in touch.The lung has its special orifice in the nose and is externally related to the skin and hair,which is the structural foundation for the lung to prevent external pathogens.The mouth,nose,skin and hair are the gates through which the pathogenic factors attack the lung,and the lung system and the vessels are the passage through which the pathogenic factors attack the lung.The lung system and the vessels are also the passage through which the pathogenic factors in the lung can be excreted or spread to the whole body.This paper presents the author’s viewpoints that the lung can be attacked by pathogenic factors,and the lung also can generate,hide,disperse,remove and inhibit pathogenic factors.The lung disease with the symptom of abnormal inspiration is caused by the disorder of the qi movement which affects the qi transformation of the whole body.Preserving the lung guarantees health,injuring the lung causes diseases and loss of the lung leads to death.Therefore,enhancing the healthy qi and preserving the lung are the general principles for treating lung diseases including COVID-19.
作者 丁元庆 张安玲 DING Yuanqing;ZHANG Anling(Affiliated Hospital of Shangdong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China;Shangdong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,China)
出处 《山东中医杂志》 2020年第8期763-768,共6页 Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 山东省名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(批文号:鲁卫中发展字〔2018〕1号) 全国中医学术流派传承工作室第二轮建设项目(批文号:国中医药人教函〔2019〕62号)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 肺藏象 肺主呼吸 肺主卫外 肺受邪 肺生邪 肺藏邪 肺散邪 肺祛邪 肺能制邪 扶正保肺 COVID-19 the lung and its manifestation the lung governs the respiration the lung prevents external pathogens the lung can be attacked by pathogenic factors the lung generates pathogenic factors the lung hides pathogenic factors the lung disperses pathogenic factors the lung removes pathogenic factors the lung inhibits pathogenic factors enhancing the healthy qi and preserving the lung
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