

The Metaphorical Power of“Water”in Housekeeping
摘要 罗宾逊笔下的指骨镇俨然是一个被规训的微缩社会。治安官、教师和邻人是庞大而复杂的规训权力的组成部分,而茹丝一家因其与社会期待相违背的持家方式而被视为有疯癫征兆的人群,进而成为规训权力的惩戒对象。小说巧妙地运用关于水(包括湖水、溪流、雪、冰、雨)的图景描摹,将无生命的自然景观与生动的人的生命体相互融合,在人物亲情故事之外构建了工业规训与自然彰显之间的权力博弈场。本文集中阐释小说中的水意象,通过透析关于水的隐喻性书写,深入分析规训社会中微观权力的隐性运作方式以及被惩戒对象的自然对抗性。文章认为:小说中"水"的多样运动已然升发为一种权力表达,并形成对规训权威的制衡。"水"蕴含着抚慰、颠覆和救赎等多样精神力量,正是这种力量支撑着主人公在面对强大的社会规训时,执着地追求独立人格,勇敢地伸张个体权利,从而维护了家的完整性。 Fingerbone in Robinson’s Housekeeping is a disciplined miniature society.Sheriffs,teachers and neighbors constitute a part of the large and complex disciplinary authority.Ruth and her families are regarded as "the mad people".They become the object of the disciplinary power because of their unorthodox housekeeping way.The novel skillfully uses the description of the water images(including lakes,streams,snow,ice and rain) to blend the inanimate natural landscape into the vivid human life.Besides the main story about the people,the pattern of the competition between the industrial discipline and the natural manifestation has been established.Focusing on the writing of the water images,this article reaches the in-depth analysis of the implicit operation of micro-power in the disciplined society and the natural confrontation of the object of punishment through the survey of the metaphorical expressions of water.The article holds the opinion that the diverse movements of "water" in the novel have evolved into an expression of power and formed a counterbalance to the authority of the discipline.The"water" in the novel contains the spiritual power of solace,subversion and redemption and it is this power that supports the protagonists in the persistent pursuit of the independent personality and the individual rights in the face of a strong social surveillance,thus maintaining the integrity of the family.
作者 乔娟 Qiao Juan
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 2020年第1期162-171,共10页 English and American Literary Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“玛丽莲·罗宾逊小说研究”(17BWW053)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《管家》 权力 隐喻 Housekeeping water power metaphor
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