

A Survey Report on the Status of Ecological Governance in Jiaozuo City
摘要 近年来,环境污染问题日益凸显,如何有效进行环境治理、保护绿水青山成为目前相关人员要解决的关键问题。20世纪末,河南省焦作市是因北山坐拥丰富煤炭资源而兴起的重工业城市,采矿带来严重的环境问题,焦作曾以“黑色印象”出现在世人面前。基于此,焦作市提出“牢固树立绿色发展理念,实施生态立市”的战略,环境治理也取得初步成效。论文选择焦作市就环境问题展开调查,总结研究调查结果,为政府更有效率地解决环境问题提供参考。 In recent years,the problem of environmental pollution has become increasingly prominent.How to effectively carry out environmental governance and protect the green water and green hills has become the key problem to be solved by relevant personnel.At the end of the 20th century,because Beishan is rich in coal resources,Jiaozuo City in Henan Province has risen as a heavy industrial city.Coal mining brought serious environmental problems.Jiaozuo appeared in front of the world with a"black impression".Based on this,Jiaozuo City put forward the strategy of"firmly establishing the concept of green development,implementing the ecological city",and environmental governance has also achieved preliminary results.This paper chooses Jiaozuo City to carry out a survey on environmental problems,studies and summarizes the results of the survey,so as to provide a reference for the government to solve environmental problems more efficiently.
作者 董璐 骆美西 楼桐 DONG Lu;LUO Mei-xi;LOU Tong(School of Economics,Xi'an University of Finance and Economics,Xi'an 710100,China)
出处 《中小企业管理与科技》 2020年第17期46-47,共2页 Management & Technology of SME
基金 西安财经大学2019年科研基地对本科生开放项目,项目编号:19JDX38。
关键词 城市环境治理 可持续发展 绿色发展 urban environmental governance sustainable development green development
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