
日本的国际组织人才战略 被引量:9

Japan’s Personnel Strategy for International Organizations
摘要 日本在国力增长期间开始着手加强国际组织人才派遣的机制与体系构建。20世纪90年代中期后,随着国力减弱及其导致的国际地位下降,日本开始调整外交政策与实施方式,更加重视利用多样化外交手段开展多边外交,并从制度、资金等多方面强化国际组织外交。在通过实施政府开发援助加强国际组织外交的同时,日本采取增加向国际组织派遣青年专业职员(JPO),提供政策、资金支持等方式构建国际组织人才培养与派遣体系。在重视增加派遣人员数量的同时,日本近年非常重视国际组织人才层次的提高。在此基础上,日本加大吸引国际组织入驻的力度,在气候变化、环保、脱贫等领域较为有效地提升了其在国际组织的外交能力与议题设置能力。日本采取的国际组织人才战略有利于提升其外交软实力、加强国际话语权。现今,中国正在大力推进“一带一路”,不断融入全球治理体系。这一进程中,中日两国间的竞争与互补关系并存。理解日本的国际组织人才战略及其人才培养与派遣机制,不仅可以为中国参与全球治理、开展区域合作提供参考,也有助于构筑战略性双边及多边关系。 When Japan’s national capabilities were on the rise,it began to strengthen the mechanisms and the system through which it could send Japanese nationals to work in international organizations.Since the mid-1990s,with the decline of its national strength and the consequent decline in international status,Japan began to adjust its foreign policy and the implementation of its personnel strategy for international organizations.It would emphasize the diversification of the diplomatic means for its multilateral diplomacy and would strengthen its diplomacy in international organizations by enhancing the mechanisms for its participation and its funding practices.In addition to improving its diplomacy through Official Development Assistance(ODA),Japan has built a personnel training and dispatching system for international organizations by sending more young Japanese nationals to these organizations through the Japanese Junior Professional Officer(JPO)program and providing policy and financial support.Aside from increasing the number of dispatched JPOs,Japan attaches great importance to improving the quality of the JPOs dispatched to international organizations in recent years.On top of this,Japan has increased its efforts to attract international organizations to relocate or be based in Japan,and has effectively improved its diplomatic capabilities and agenda setting capabilities in international organizations in areas such as climate change,environmental protection,and poverty reduction.Japan’s personnel strategy for international organizations is conducive to enhancing its diplomatic soft power and strengthening its international discourse power.Nowadays,China is vigorously advancing the“Belt and Road”initiative and continuously integrating into the global governance system.In this process,competition and complementarity between China and Japan coexist.Understanding Japan’s international organization talent strategy and its personnel training and dispatching mechanism can not only provide insights for China’s participation in global governance and regional cooperation,but also help build strategic bilateral and multilateral relations.
作者 丁红卫 Ding Hongwei
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期104-115,158,159,共14页 International Forum
基金 教育部国别与区域研究指向性课题“日本的国际组织人才战略”(项目号:17GBQY028)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 日本国际组织外交 人才战略 经济外交 政府开发援助 国际话语权 Japan’s diplomacy in international organizations personnel strategy economic diplomacy ODA international discourse power
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