2020年以来,在云南大理,可以看见这样一辆辆中巴客车来回穿梭于大理至漾濞县之间。它们身着橘色彩衣,绘有可爱卡通代言人物,车身上"小马可达"、"Coda Bus"品牌醒目吸睛,鲜亮温暖的外观造型、高端舒适的乘坐体验、温馨如家的服务保障让这批车自带明星气质,甫一亮相便吸睛无数,引起民众的热烈反响。
Since 2020, a batch of medium busespainted with cute cartoon characters and "Coda Bus" brand on the body have been put into operation in Dali, Yunnan Province. This is the latest batch of inter-county bus operating vehicles built by Dali Communications and Transport Group Co., Yunnan and Suzhou King-Long Higer Bus with a view to creating a new model for the inter-county bus route within Dali and exploring new ideas for future operation. With the first batch of vehicles put into operation in the route, Dali is unveiling the prelude of green brand development of the inter-county route within Dali.
Commercial Vehicle