

Experimental Analysis on Effect of Diffusible Rejuvenator on Properties of Recycled Asphalt
摘要 为改性老化沥青,恢复老化沥青的路用性能,综合相容性和胶体调和原理,用回收食用油和扩散剂制备渗透型再生剂,对比分析普通型再生剂与渗透型再生剂用量对再生沥青粘滞性和低温性能的影响,并采用动态剪切流变试验测定再生沥青的车辙因子。结果表明,随着再生剂掺量的增加,再生沥青的针入度和延度呈近似的线性增大,软化点、动力粘度和低温蠕变劲度则降低;相比于普通型再生剂,渗透型再生剂的再生效果更好,当渗透型再生剂的用量为6%时,再生沥青的以上性能均可恢复至基质沥青的指标水平,且再生沥青具有合适的车辙因子以满足高温稳定性的要求。 Diffusible rejuvenator was produced with recycled edible oil and dispersant to rejuvenate the aged asphalt and restore its pavement performance based on the principles of compatibility and colloid blending,Effects on the viscosity and low temperature performance of recycled asphalt by contents of common rejuvenator and diffusible rejuvenator were compared and the rutting factor of recycled asphalt determined by dynamic shear rheological test.The results show that the penetration and ductility of recycled asphalt increase approximately linearly with the increase of rejuvenator's content,while the softening point,kinetic viscosity and low-temperature creep stiffness decrease.The regeneration effect of diffusible rejuvenator is better than that of common rejuvenator.When the content of diffusible rejuvenator is 6%,the performance of aged asphalt can be restored to the index level of base asphalt,and its rutting factor proves good enough to meet the requirements of high temperature stability.
作者 林金娜 孟洁平 余佳宝 谢逸群 LIN Jinna;MENG Jieping;YU Jiabao;XIE Yiqun(School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2020年第3期53-57,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(2017J01724) 福建省大学生创新项目(S202011062029)。
关键词 渗透型再生剂 老化沥青 粘滞性 低温性能 车辙因子 动态剪切流变试验 diffusible rejuvenator aged asphalt viscosity low temperature performance rutting factor dynamic shear rheological test
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