
考虑降雨作用的多年冻土区不同地表土质活动层水热过程差异分析 被引量:8

Response of hydrothermal activity in different types of soil at ground surface to rainfall in permafrost region
摘要 为明确气候湿化背景下多年冻土活动层对降雨的水热响应机制,探讨了考虑降雨作用的不同土质地表能水平衡差异和活动层水热过程。基于土壤–地表–大气能量平衡的冻土水–汽–热耦合模型,以青藏高原北麓河地区2013年实测气象资料为模型驱动数据,定量分析了高原真实野外降雨条件下3种典型地表土质(砂土、亚砂土、粉质黏土)地表水分和能量平衡差异、活动层内部水分与能量输运分量变化过程和耦合机制。结果表明:随着土壤粒径增大,地表净辐射增大、蒸发潜热增大、感热通量减少、土壤热通量减小,不同土质地表蒸发潜热和地表感热通量差异最为显著,地表能量平衡差异在暖季较大、冷季较小;土壤粒径越大,水势梯度液态水和温度梯度水汽迁移越显著,但温度梯度水汽通量减小、水势梯度液态水通量增大;随着土壤粒径增大,土壤浅表层水分减少,25~75 cm水分略有增加;随着土壤粒径增大,土壤导热系数、降雨入渗对流传热和地表蒸发量增大、热传导通量减小,土体温度梯度降低,相同深度处土壤温度更高,活动层厚度增大,不利于多年冻土稳定。研究成果可为湿化背景下多年冻土的稳定性预测和保护提供参考。 In order to understand the hydrothermal activity mechanism of active layers to rainfall in permafrost regions caused by humidification of climate, the differences of ground surface energy balance and hydrothermal activity in different types of shallow soil with the consideration of rainfall were discussed. Based on the meteorological data in 2013 observed at Beiluhe observation station of Tibet Plateau, three types of shallow ground soil(i.e., sandy soil, sandy loam and silty clay) were selected to compare the differences in the water content and energy balance at the ground surface, dynamic processes of water and energy transport in active layers and coupling mechanism under rainfall condition in the plateau using a coupled water-vapor-heat transport model. The results show that the increase of soil particle size leads to the increase of surface net radiation and latent heat of evaporation, but the decrease of soil heat flux. The difference of surface energy balance, especially the sensible heat flux and latent heat of evaporation, are larger in the warm season but smaller in the cold season. The liquid water transport under hydraulic gradient and the water-vapor transport under thermal gradient are obvious as the particle size in soil increases. However, the water-vapor flux under thermal gradient increases but the liquid water flux under hydraulic potential gradient decreases. As a result, the water content in shallow soil decreases accordingly but it increases slightly at the depth of 25 ~75 cm. Moreover, with the increase of soil particle size, the thermal conductivity of soil, convective heat transfer under rainfall and surface evaporation increase, but the soil heat conduction flux and soil temperature gradient decrease. Thus, soil temperature in sandy soil is much higher than that of sandy loam and silty clay at the same depth. The permafrost table declines with the increase of the thickness of active layer, which is unfavourable to permafrost stability. The results can provide theoretical reference for stability prediction and protection of permafrost caused by humidification of climate.
作者 张明礼 温智 董建华 王得楷 岳国栋 王斌 高樯 ZHANG Ming-li;WEN Zhi;DONG Jian-hua;WANG De-kai;YUE Guo-dong;WANG Bin;GAO Qiang(Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,China;State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environmental and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China;Geological Hazards Prevention Institute,Gansu Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China)
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1549-1559,共11页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.41801033,No.41971087,No.41961010) 冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金(No.SKLFSE201804) 兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年人才支持计划资助 中国博士后科学基金(No.2017M623268)。
关键词 多年冻土 活动层 水热变化 土壤质地 降雨 地表能水平衡 permafrost active layer thermal-moisture dynamics soil texture rainfall ground surface energy and water balance
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