
椰子织蛾蛹寄生蜂——金刚钻大腿小蜂的生物学特性 被引量:3

Biological Characteristics of Brachymeria nosatoi,a Parasitoid of Opisina arenosella Walker
摘要 椰子织蛾是在2013年入侵海南的一种棕榈科植物的重要害虫,金刚钻大腿小蜂是寄生椰子织蛾的本土天敌。为了明确营养和温度对金刚钻大腿小蜂种群影响,本文研究了在不同营养和不同温度条件下金刚钻大腿小蜂的寄生率、羽化率及寿命等生物学参数。结果表明,分别补充10%蜂蜜水、10%葡萄糖水和10%蔗糖显著地延长了金刚钻大腿小蜂的寿命、增强了繁殖力。金刚钻大腿小蜂生长发育与繁殖的适宜温区在28℃~32℃,其发育起点温度为8.13℃,有效积温378.71日·度,由此推算该蜂一年可以在海南发生13代。本研究结果可为金刚钻大腿小蜂的繁殖及控害提供相关的理论基础。 Opisina arenosella Walker is an important pest of palm plant which invaded Hainan in 2013,and Brachymeria nosatoi is a local natural enemy of O.arenosella.To determine the effects of nutrition and temperature on the population of B.nosatoi,the biological characteristics(parasitism rate,emergence rate and longevity) of the parasitoid under different nutrition and temperature conditions were studied.The results showed the addition of 10% honey,10% glucose and 10% sucrose significantly prolonged the life span and increased fecundity of B.nosatoi.The suitable temperature zone for the growth and reproduction of the parasitoid was 28 ℃—32 ℃,and the development threshold temperature of the B.nosatoi is 8.13 ℃.The effective accumulated temperature is 378.71 day degree,based on which the parasitoid can occur 13 generations in Hainan for one year.The results of this study could provide a theoretical basis for the mass-rearing of the parasitoid and controlling of the pest.
作者 吴琦琦 吕宝乾 曹凤勤 吴晓霜 卢辉 唐继洪 陆庆志 张志扬 WU Qiqi;Lü Baoqian;CAO Fengqin;WU Xiaoshuang;LU Hui;TANG Jihong;LU Qingzhi;ZHANG Zhiyang(Environment and Plant Protection Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Haikou 571101,China;Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China;Experment Farm,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Zhanzhou 571737,China)
出处 《中国生物防治学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期534-538,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biological Control
基金 农业国际交流与合作项目(BARTP-08-LBQ) 中国热带农业科学院基本业务费(1630042017011) 海南省自然科学基金(2019CXTD409)。
关键词 椰子织蛾 金刚钻大腿小蜂 营养 温度 生物学特性 Opisina arenosella Brachymeria nosatoi nutrition temperature biological characteristics
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