新华滨江绿地位于上海黄浦江东岸,全长约1.9 km。2015—2018年间,这片区域从人迹罕至的工业码头转变为一个深受居民和游客喜爱的活动空间。它将上海市与美丽的黄浦江之间重新连接起来,是目前上海市中心最大的公共绿色空间之一。
Xinhua Waterfront Park is a 1.9 km stretch of green public space,situated on the east bank of Shanghai’s Huangpu River.Between 2015 and 2018,the site was transformed from an inaccessible industrial dock into a much-relished space for residents and visitors alike.The park creates new connections between the city and the beautiful Huangpu River and is now one of the largest public green spaces of Shanghai’s centre.
Landscape Architecture