

Study on the Spring and Autumn Growth Characteristics of the Buds of Lilium lancifolium under Cold and Cool Conditions
摘要 为明确卷丹百合珠芽在青海冷凉气候条件下秋播和春播的生长特性,以四川黔江卷丹百合珠芽为材料,通过春播与秋播2个播种时期种植卷丹百合珠芽,研究不同播期条件下卷丹百合各项生长性状。结果表明,不同播期对卷丹百合的形态指标(株高、珠芽位置、珠芽数量、叶数)有明显影响,秋播条件下,珠芽成熟初期株高平均为49.31 cm,叶数为57.67枚,珠芽数量平均为17.23粒,到全株珠芽形成期株高平均达63.97 cm,叶数达64.8枚,珠芽数量平均达22.46粒,珠芽产量平均达844.64 g/m^2。春播条件下,珠芽成熟初期株高平均为34.7 cm,叶数为48.47枚,珠芽数量平均为11.57粒;整株珠芽形成时株高平均达49.2 cm,叶数为54.63枚,珠芽数量平均为13.76粒。珠芽产量平均达529.59 g/m^2。秋播处理能够促进卷丹百合植株苗的生长发育、提高珠芽质量,秋播条件下卷丹百合珠芽总糖、还原糖含量均高于春播条件。由此可知,在冷凉气候条件下卷丹百合珠芽春播和秋播间各项指标有明显差异,同时,秋播方式能够很好地适应青海地区气候条件。 In order to clarify the growth characteristics of the buds of Lilium lancifolium in the cold weather of Qinghai,the buds of Lilium lancifolium of the Qianjiang River in Sichuan Province were used as materials to plant the buds of Lilium lancifolium in spring and autumn.Under the conditions,the growth traits of lily were studied.The results showed that different sowing dates had significant effects on the morphological indexes(plant height,bead bud position,number of bead buds,leaf number)of Lilium davidii.Under the conditions of autumn sowing,the average plant height at the early stage of bead bud maturation was 49.31 cm,the number of leaves was 57.67,and the average number of bead buds was 17.23.The average plant height reached 63.97 cm and the number of leaves reached 64.8.It reached 22.46 grains,and the average yield of pearl buds reached 844.64 grams/m^2.Under spring sowing conditions,the average plant height at the early stage of bead bud ripening was 34.7 cm,the number of leaves was 48.47,and the number of bead buds was 11.57.The average plant height was 49.2 cm,the number of leaves was 54.63,and the number of bead buds was 13.76 grain.The average yield of bead buds reached 529.59 grams/m^2.The autumn sowing treatment could promote the growth and development of the lily seedlings and improve the quality of the pearl buds.The content of total sugar and reducing sugar of the lily buds under the autumn sowing conditions were higher than the spring sowing conditions.The experiment showed that there were obvious differences between the spring and the autumn sowing in the cold and climatic conditions.At the same time,the autumn sowing method could adapt well to the climatic conditions in Qinghai.
作者 刘高峰 唐楠 唐道城 巨秀婷 LIU Gao-feng;TANG Nan;TANG Dao-cheng(Plateau Flower Research Center of Qinghai University,Xining,Qinghai 810016;Key Laboratory of Qinghai Province for Landscape Plants Research,Xining,Qinghai 810016)
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2020年第15期64-66,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 卷丹百合 珠芽 播期 Lilium lancifolium Bead bud Sowing date
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