

Analysis of the Development of Urban-Rural Relations and Its Intrinsic Logic in New China
摘要 新中国成立以来,城乡关系的发展经历了深刻的变化。新中国成立初期至改革开放前,形成了城乡发展二元的格局;改革开放之后,随着发展方式的转变,城乡二元化的局面被打破,城乡关系从对立走向了融合。基于社会主义现代化的视角来考察新中国城乡关系的发展,厘清其背后的制度安排及逻辑关联,对于在新时代背景下全面实现小康社会及乡村振兴,有着积极意义。 Since the founding of New China,the development of urban-rural relations has undergone profound changes.From the beginning of the founding of New China to the reform and development,the dual pattern of urban and rural development was formed;after the reform and opening up,with the change of development mode,the situation of urban and rural dualization was broken,and the relationship between urban and rural areas changed from opposition to integration.It is of positive significance to investigate the development of urban-rural relationship in New China from the perspective of socialist modernization and to clarify the institutional arrangement and logical connection behind it.
作者 陈凯 CHEN Kai(Harbin Commercial University,Harbin 150028,China)
机构地区 哈尔滨商业大学
出处 《经济研究导刊》 2020年第20期1-3,共3页 Economic Research Guide
关键词 马克思主义 城乡关系 路径选择 社会主义现代化 Marxism Urban-rural relationship Path choice Socialist modernization
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