Russian scientists have created a ma⁃terial that can kill bacteria and viruses,they hope the material could be used in face masks to help tackle the outbreak of the new coro⁃navirus.The material features nanosilver,which has antibacterial properties,and is made using a process known as melt blowing.Alexander Zhanov⁃ich Medvedev,who worked on the project said in a statement that he and colleagues fitted their cre⁃ation in the inner layer of a conventional three-lay⁃er medical mask.Researchers tested the mask against the influenza A virus as well as the staphy⁃lococcus and E.coli bacteria.When the team com⁃pared the new material with that of regular masks,ten thousand times more viruses passed through the latter.It could protect people against influenza A for up to 10 hours,compared to regular masks which need to be changed every one to two hours.So the new material kills,completely deactivates viruses.As the mask kills the influenza A virus,then most likely other viruses that cause respirato⁃ry infections should be exposed to the same effect.