

Refueling Scheme of Liner in Consecutive Voyages
摘要 为在保障班轮服务正常运营的前提下降低航运公司的燃油补给成本,建立以航运公司营运总成本最小为目标的连续航次下班轮运输燃油补给决策模型。采用线性逼近的方法建立航速与燃油消耗量之间的分段线性函数关系,将非线性优化模型转化为线性模型,利用线性优化软件求解。以1条实际班轮航线为例进行算例分析,求得该航线连续航次下的燃油补给策略和各航段的最优航速,并分析连续航次数量与营运总成本之间的关系,为航运公司结合自身管理周期和风险选择以一定数量的连续航次为周期进行燃油补给的策略提供理论支持。结果表明:该模型可为优化营运成本、制定最优的燃油补给决策提供参考。 To have a liner refueled without its time schedule interfered is one of the ways for saving operation cost.A refueling strategy model for minimizing overall cost in consecutive voyage services is built and solved.Piecewise linear approximation allows the nonlinear optimization model to be solved in segments by linear optimization software.The method is used to solve an actual liner route and find the refueling scheme and optimal sailing speeds at each segment.The relation between overall operation cost and the number of consecutive voyages is also derived,providing a selective way of having a certain number of consecutive voyages as the period of refueling for shipping companies of respective situation.The results show that the model could provide a new way for optimizing operation cost and making optimal refueling scheme.
作者 钱芳 QIAN Fang(Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College,Qingdao 266071,China)
出处 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期122-126,共5页 Navigation of China
关键词 燃油补给决策 班轮运输 连续航次 最优航速 refueling decision liner shipping consecutive voyage optimal speed
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