
不同方法制备的马铃薯抗性淀粉物化特性研究 被引量:7

Study on the Physicochemical Properties of Potato Resistant Starch Prepared by Different Methods
摘要 以马铃薯淀粉为原料,分别采用压热、辐照和微波3种方法制备抗性淀粉,并研究其对马铃薯抗性淀粉含量及物化特性的影响,测定指标包括抗性淀粉含量、溶解度、膨胀度、透明度和链构象。结果表明,马铃薯淀粉经压热、微波和辐照处理后抗性淀粉含量显著增加(p<0.05),且辐照处理制备的抗性淀粉含量最高;原淀粉和3种处理淀粉的溶解度都随温度的升高而增加,而辐照处理的淀粉溶解度最高,膨胀度最低;压热、辐照和微波处理都显著降低了淀粉的透明度(p<0.05);3种处理方式降低了淀粉的有序结构和双螺旋结构程度。 This subject used potato starch as raw material to study the effects of different treatments on the content of resistant starch and physicochemical properties of potato.The measurement indexes included resistant starch content,solubility,expansion,transparency and chain conformation.The results showed that the starch starch content increased significantly after autoclaving,microwave and irradiation treatment(p<0.05),and the resistant starch prepared by irradiation treatment had the highest content.The solubility of original starch and three treated starches increased with the increase of the resistant starch,while the irradiated starch had the highest solubility and the lowest degree of swelling.The autoclave,microwave and irradiation treatments all significantly reduced the transparency of the starch(p<0.05).The treatment decreased the ordered structure and double helix structure of the starch.
作者 郑妍 曹珏 方泽栋 李相禹 韦青海 彭佳丽 ZHENG Yan;CAO Jue;FANG Zedong;LI Xiangyu;WEI Qinghai;PENG Jiali(College of Food and Biology Science Technology,Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430205,China)
出处 《农产品加工》 2020年第14期10-12,18,共4页 Farm Products Processing
基金 湖北省教育厅科研计划项目(B2018368)。
关键词 马铃薯抗性淀粉 压热 辐照 微波 物化特性 溶解度 膨胀度 透明度 链构象 potato resistant starch pressure heat irradiation microwave physicochemical properties solubility expansion transparency chain conformation
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