

New Ideas on Construction of Sponge City in Newly-built Residential Area
摘要 针对目前新建小区海绵城市建设脱离景观方案、为海绵而海绵等问题,以七军会运动员村海绵城市规划为例,从“排水”、“活水”、“清水”、“净水”、“节水”五大方面提出海绵城市建设应与景观方案紧密结合,最大限度地减少开发对生态环境的破坏,最大限度地实现水平衡,最大限度地节约资源,为新建小区海绵城市建设提供新思路。 Aiming at the problems of the sponge city construction of newly built residential area currently separated from the landscape scheme,and the sponge for sponge only,taking Wuhan 7 th CISM Military World Games Athletes Village as an example,the scheme of combining the sponge city construction closely with the landscape is proposed from five aspects of"draining water","running water","clearing water","purifying water"and"saving water"in order to minimize the destruction of ecological environment by development,maximize the water balance and save the resources to the utmost.The new ideas are provided for the construction of sponge city in newly-built residential area.
作者 闫爱萍 王浩 兰雄 黄浩 齐同湘 YAN Aiping;WANG Hao;LAN Xiong;HUANG Hao;QI Tongxiang
出处 《城市道桥与防洪》 2020年第8期197-199,211,M0019,M0020,共6页 Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
关键词 海绵城市 武汉军运村 新建小区 排水防涝 sponge city Wuhan Military World Games Athletes Village newly-built residential area drainage and waterlogging prevention
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