
新冠肺炎疫情期间的网络舆情与社会情绪 被引量:2

The Network Public Opinions and Social Emotions during the COVID-19 Epidemic
摘要 虽然新冠肺炎疫情期间出现了大量谣言,但其存续时间和影响力都比较有限,没有引起大规模恐慌。与之形成对比的是,各种网络舆情却一波未平一波又起,不断激起不满、悲伤、怨怼.等情绪,将网民凝聚为一个个情感共同体。如果说恐慌主要出于对自身安全的关心,那么不满、悲伤、怨怼则主要来自对他人和公共事件的关注,这种变化主要是由社交媒体的普及造成的,但也表明我国公众对公共事务的关注度和参与度有了明显提高。通过对四类网络舆情案例的分析可以发现,它们体现出网民朴素的正义诉求,很多都起到了舆论监督、促进疫情防控进一步完善的作用。随着社交媒体的影响力越来越大,主流媒体不应对网络舆情视而不见,而应主动介入、积极引导,主流宣传报道应回归常情常理,以避免在网络舆论中出现“翻车”事故。 There were a lot of rumors during the COVID-19 epidemic,but their durations and influences were relatively limited and did not cause large-scale panic.By contrast,all kinds of network public opinions were rising one after another,which have constantly aroused dissatisfaction,sadness,resentment and other emotions,and con-densed netizens into emotional communities.If panic is mainly due to the concern for their own security,then dis-satisfaction,sadness and resentment are mainly from the concern for others and public events,which shows that the public's attention and participation in public afairs has been signifieantly improved.Through the analysis of four types of network public opinions,it can be found that they rellected the simple justice demands of netizens,many of which had played a role in publie opinion supervision and the improvement of epidemic prevention and control.With the increasing influence of the Internet,the mainstream media should actively intervene and guide the network public opinions,instead of ignoring them.The positive publicity report should returm to the common sense,in order to avoid the"rollover"accident in the network public opinions.
作者 陈国战 CHEN Guozhan(Institute for Cultural Studies,Capital Normal University,Bejjing 100089,China)
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期130-136,共7页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 新冠肺炎 网络舆情 谣言 社会情绪 情感共同体 COVID-19 network public opinions rumors social emotion emotional communities
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