目的研究哮喘患儿呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)、流感病毒(influenza virus,IFV)与CD4^+T细胞亚群的相关性。方法回顾性研究哮喘患儿120例,其中合并RSV感染38例,合并IFV感染40例,单纯哮喘42例,分为三组。病例均于入院当日检测CD4^+T细胞亚群,包括辅助性T细胞1(Th1)、辅助性T细胞2(Th2)、辅助性T细胞17(Th17)、Treg细胞水平,分析各指标与哮喘患儿RSV、IFV的相关性。绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC),分析各指标对RSV、IFV的预测价值。结果RSV组、IFV组的Th2、Th17均显著高于单纯哮喘组,Treg显著低于单纯哮喘组,差异有统计学意义(t=11.259、8.904、9.018、9.562、10.505、9.467,均P<0.05)。经Pearson线性相关分析提示RSV、IFV感染与Th2、Th17呈正相关(r=0.646、0.582,P<0.05),而与Treg呈负相关(r=-0.546,P<0.05)。Th2、Th17、Treg预测RSV感染的曲线下面积分别为0.730、0.675、0.664。以Th2>7.535%、Th17>4.415%、Treg≤2.860%时,RSV感染风险最高。Th2、Th17、Treg预测IFV感染的曲线下面积分别为0.770、0.683、0.673。以Th2>7.530%、Th17>4.265%、Treg≤2.790%时,IFV感染风险最高。结论哮喘患儿RSV、IFV感染与Th2、Th17、Treg有相关性,且三者对RSV、IFV感染风险具有一定预测价值。
Objective To investigate the correlation among respiratory syncytial virus(RSV),influenza virus(IFV)and CD4^+T cell subsets in children with asthma.Methods Totally 120 children with asthma admitted to our hospital were selected.Among which,38 were complicated with RSV infection,40 with IFV infection and 42 with simple asthma.They were divided into RSV group,IFV group and simple asthma group.CD4^+T cell subsets including helper T cell 1(Th1),helper T cell 2(Th2),helper T cell 17(Th17)and Treg cell levels were detected on the day of admission.The correlation among every index,RSV and IFV was analyzed.The ROC was drawn to analyze the predictive value of each index to RSV and IFV.Results Th2 and Th17 in RSV group and IFV group were significantly higher than those in simple asthma group,while Treg was significantly lower than that in simple asthma group.There was statistically significant difference(t=11.259,8.904,9.018,9.562,10.505,9.467,P<0.05).Pearson linear correlation analysis showed that RSV and IFV infection were positively correlated with Th2 and Th17(r=0.646,0.582,all P<0.05),but negatively correlated with Treg(r=-0.546,P<0.05).The areas under the curve of Th2,Th17 and Treg predicting RSV infection were 0.730,0.675 and 0.664,respectively.When Th2>7.535%,Th17>4.415%and Treg≤2.860%,the risk of RSV infection was the highest.The areas under the curve of Th2,Th17 and Treg predicting IFV infection were 0.770,0.683 and 0.673,respectively.When Th2>7.530%,Th17>4.265%and Treg≤2.790%,the risk of IFV infection was the highest.Conclusion RSV and IFV infection in asthmatic children are correlated with Th2,Th17 and Treg,and they have certain predictive value for the risk of RSV and IFV infection.
CAI Zhenzhen;ZHOU Ling;PAN Jing;LI Gonglu;ZHANG Hui(Shiyan Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Hubei 442000,China)
Journal of Medical Pest Control