设计团队将1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会的核心区域进行了全面改造,修复并重塑了le-Sainte-Helene岛上的景观,使其重新焕发了生机。改造后的多功能广场与亚历山大·考尔德的Trois disques纪念雕塑相连,包括一处设有65000个座位的圆形剧场和一条滨河步道,可供人们全年使用。
The design team has had a total makeover on the original heart of 1967 Montreal World's Fair,restoring and reshaping the landscape on ile Sainte-Helene and bringing it back to life.Linking the Alexander Calder's monumental Trois disques sculpture,the transformed multifunctional site now features a 65,000-seat amphitheatre as well as a riverside walkway.The project can be used year-round.
Landscape Design