

Simulation Study on Crushing Characteristics of Varying Strength Thin-walled Tube Based on Induction Heating
摘要 通过移动式感应加热的方式,获得强度分布可控的变强度薄壁圆管,提出影响变强度管强度分布的两个主要因素,加热比例P和加热区强度S,并通过仿真研究准静态压溃过程中其对圆管变形模式和载荷吸能特性的影响规律。结果表明随着P增加,变强度管非轴对称褶皱数目先减小再增加;随着S增加,非轴对称褶皱数目增加,最后趋于稳定数值。P=50%时和S=803Mpa的圆管有着最高的吸能量和较低的最大载荷峰值。研究成果为车辆抗撞压溃吸能构件的性能设计提供借鉴。 By means of the mobile induction heating,we obtained the thin-walled tube with varying strength distribution,proposed two factors that affect the strength distribution of the variable strength tube:the heating ratio P and heating zone intensity S.The influence of quasi-static crushing process on the deformation mode and load energy absorption characteristics of circular tubes was studied through simulation.The results show that with the increase of P,the number of non-axisymmetric folds in the tube first decreases and then increases.With the increase of S,the number of non-axisymmetric folds increases and finally reaches a stable value.The tube with the parameter of P=50%and S=803 Mpa has the highest energy absorption and the lowest peak load.The research results of this paper can provide a reference for the performance design of vehicle crushing energy absorbing components.
作者 庄蔚敏 李安琪 胡哲 ZHUANG Wei-min;LI An-qi;HU Zhe(State Key Laboratory of Automotive Dynamic Simulation,Jilin University,Changchun Jilin 130022,China;Strategic research and Planning Development Department,Guangzhou Automobile Company Engineering Institute,Guangzhou Guangdong 511434,China)
出处 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2020年第7期187-192,共6页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51775227、51375201) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20170101130JC)。
关键词 感应加热 变强度 薄壁圆管 压溃仿真 Induction heating Gradient intension Thin-wall tube Crushing simulation
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