BA can be used as either a verb or a preposition in sentence patterns containing BA.There are three types of sentence patterns containing BA.The corpus reveals that they appear in the order of single structure>double structure>BA-sentence structure.This paper holds that the main progressive conditions for the evolution of constructions containing BA are:1)There are some semantic-syntactic similarities between adjacent constructions,because the evolution is a progressive semo-syntactic change.2)The repetition of single-structure sentences and subsequent sentences in a paragraph results in the rise of double-structure sentences,whose load of information increases.3)The further expansion and complication of double-structure sentences cause semantic rhythm change.4)The change of its semantic rhythm leads to the weakening of the meaning of BA,the rapid increase of the type frequency of verbs licensed in BA sentences and the further variation of BA sentences themselves.This paper uses the corpus provided by National Languages Committee to verify the rationality of the theory.
CHENG Qilong(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
Foreign Studies