
文化体制改革的文化消费效应研究:经验事实、理论逻辑及政策取向 被引量:1

Research on Cultural Consumption Effect of the Reform of Cultural System:Empirical Facts,Theoretical Logic and Policy Orientation
摘要 文化体制改革是推动我国文化消费发展的重要动力。文化体制改革的理论逻辑是:正确处理文化建设具有的社会公益与个体私利双重功能、文化产品包括的意识形态与商品形态的双重属性、文化发展带来的社会与经济双重效益,并由此通过边界界定、产品规制与效益评价来影响文化消费。新时代增强文化体制改革的文化消费效应,需要以坚定文化自信,推动社会主义文化繁荣兴盛为主线,加快文化领域供给侧结构性改革,扩大有效供给;坚持传承、改革与创新相统一,提高文化发展质量;为文化创作指引正确的政治方向,营造积极的文化消费风尚。 The reform of the cultural system is an important driving force to promote the development of China's cultural consumption.Since the reform and opening up,China's cultural system reform and cultural consumption development have experienced four stages including the initiation of the cultural system reform and the earlier rise of cultural consumption,the steady progress of cultural system reform and the rapid growth of cultural consumption,the acceleration of cultural system reform and the continuous prosperity of cultural consumption,and the comprehensively deepening of cultural system reform and the entering into the new era of cultural consumption.The theoretical logic of cultural system reform is to correctly handle the dual functions of social welfare and individual self-interest of cultural development,the dual attributes of ideology and commodity forms included in cultural products,the dual social and economic benefits brought by cultural development,and thus to influence cultural consumption through the boundary definition,product regulation and benefit evaluation.To strengthen the cultural consumption effect of the cultural system reform in the new era,it is necessary to strengthen cultural self-confidence,promote the prosperity of socialist culture,accelerate the supply-side structural reform in the cultural sectors,and expand effective supply.We need to adhere to the integration of inheritance,reform and innovation to improve quality of cultural development.It is also necessary to give the correct political direction for cultural production and create a positive social style for cultural consumption.
作者 毛中根 叶胥 MAO Zhong-gen;YE Xu(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 610074,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期41-48,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“我国文化消费提升路径与机制研究”(14ZDA052) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“绿色消费的内涵刻画、指数测度及发展机制研究”(71873107)的阶段性成果。
关键词 文化体制改革 文化消费效应 经验事实 理论逻辑 政策取向 cultural system reform cultural consumption effect empirical facts theoretical logic policy orientation
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