
从村庄生计到文化自觉:费孝通和关于“民族复兴”的社会学 被引量:1

From Village Livelihood to Cultural Self-Consciousness:Fei Hsiao-Tung and the Sociology of“National Rejuvenation”
摘要 从《江村经济》伊始,费孝通学术思想的一个突出特点,就是对历时态全球化进程中的中国命运的关注和反思。本文希望以“民族复兴”这个概念为切入点,将费先生对历时态全球化进程中的中国命运的关注,纳入一个特定的时空社会学框架之中进行解释。论文具体分析了如下五重历时态:(1)1911[1840]—1949,两半社会(半封建半殖民地)和中国的早期现代化,对应的是费先生早期的村庄生计研究(以江村研究和云南三村研究为代表);(2)1949—1978,历时30年的制度性隔离(以及作为当代“中华民族复兴”之基础的多重结构性牺牲[structural sacrifices]),对应的是社会学作为资产阶级学科遭到取消的学科命运和当时代重要社会实践的历史演进;(3)1979—2008,改革开放和中国重新融入全球经济体系,对应的是费先生提出的发展模式论(其主要理论要素为内生发展模式的多样性);(4)文化自觉作为消减中国悖论(经济上的融入与政治上的怀疑)的一个理论范式,对应的是费先生在文化欣赏与文化接纳这两个概念基础之上,对中国现代性崛起的国际公共关系策略的战略思考;(5)从文化自觉到制度重构,对应的是延续费先生的这一战略思考,如何在后费孝通时代继续推进全球政治经济秩序重构,以便真正达成中华民族的伟大复兴。 From the beginning of writing Peasant Life in China,a prominent feature of Fei Hsiao-Tung's academic thoughts has been his concern and reflection on China's destiny in the process of diachronic globalization.This article aims to use the concept of“national rejuvenation”as an entry point and incorporate Mr.Fei's concern about the destiny of China in the process of diachronic globalization into a specific temporal-spatial sociological framework for interpretation.The article specifically analyzes the following five historical phases:1)1911[1840]—1949,the semi-feudal and semi-colonial stage and early modernization in China,corresponding to Mr.Fei's early studies on village livelihood(represented by his field study of country life in the Yangtze Valley and three villages in Yunnan Province);2)1949—1978,a stage of institutional isolation lasting 30 years(as well as the multiple structural sacrifices that underpin the contemporary“Chinese national rejuvenation”),corresponding to the fate of sociology as a bourgeois subject that was cancelled and the historical evolution of the important social practice of the time;3)1979—2008,the stage of reform and opening up and China's reintegration into the global economic system,corresponding to the development model theory proposed by Mr.Fei(the main theoretical element is the diversity of endogenous development models);4)cultural consciousness as a theoretical paradigm for the reduction of Chinese paradox(economic integration and political skepticism),corresponding to Mr.Fei's strategic thinking on the strategy concerning international public relations for the rise of Chinese modernity based on the two concepts of cultural appreciation and cultural acceptance;5)from cultural consciousness to system reconstruction,corresponding to the continuation of Mr.Fei's strategic thinking,namely how to continue to promote the reconstruction of the global political and economic order in the post-Fei Hsiao-Tung era in order to truly achieve the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 刘能 LIU Neng(Department of Sociology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期49-55,共7页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
关键词 村庄生计 文化自觉 费孝通 历时态全球化 结构性牺牲 制度隔离 village livelihood cultural awareness Fei Hsiao-Tung diachronic globalization structural sacrifice institutional isolation
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