
基于关联规则的痛经中医医案研究 被引量:3

Research on Chinese Medical Cases of Dysmenorrhea Based on Association Rules
摘要 [目的]运用数据挖掘手段研究当代中医妇科名家治疗痛经的临床医案,并探索药物间的关联规则。[方法]检索中国知网数据库中1988至2019年应用中药治疗痛经的相关文献,采用Medcase数据处理平台,运用文本解析对临床医案进行研究。[结果]共纳入研究文献131篇,医案104则,涉及病例128例次、332诊次,涉及病机33条、临床症状92条、药物249种。集内关联处理后,产生核心症状规则30组、舌象规则30组、脉象规则30组、病机规则30组、药物规则32组。通过数据挖掘发现,痛经的病位在肝、脾、肾,常见伴随症状为夹血块、经色暗、手足不温、经行腰酸,主要病因是血虚和血瘀,血虚者治以健脾补肾、补气养血,血瘀者治以行气活血、温肾化瘀,核心药对为当归-白芍。[结论]当代中医妇科名家治疗痛经时,以气血辨证为主,强调疏肝、健脾、补肾,同时主张标本同治。 [Objective]To find out the association rules among drugs by using data mining methods to study the clinical medical cases of contemporary famous gynecologists in the treatment of dysmenorrhea.[Methods]The clinical cases,which were collected from the relevant literature on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)treatment of dysmenorrhea in the database of China national knowledge infrastructure(CNKI)from 1988 to 2019,and analyzed with the Medcase data processing platform.[Results]Totally 131 research literatures were included,involving 104 medical cases,128 cases,332 consultations,33 pathogenesis,92 clinical symptoms,and 249 kinds of drugs.After in-group association processing,there were 30 groups of core symptom rules,30 tongue rules,30 pulse patterns,30 pathogenesis rules,and 32 drug rules.The data mining of this study found that dysmenorrhea was located in liver,spleen and kidney.The common symptoms were blood clots,dark menstrual color,lack of warmth in hands and feet,and lumbago during menstruation,the main etiology of dysmenorrhea was blood deficiency and blood stasis.For the patients of blood deficiency,the treatment should include invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney,invigorating the Qi and nourishing the blood;for the patients of blood stasis,the treatment should include promoting flow of Qi and activating blood circulation,warming the kidney and removing stasis,the core drug pair was AngelicasinensisPaeoniae Radix Alba.[Conclusion]Contemporary famous gynecologists of TCM treat dysmenorrhea with syndrome differentiation of Qi and blood,emphasizing the treatment of soothing the liver,strengthening the spleen,tonifying the kidney,and advocating the simultaneous treatment of manifestation and root cause.
作者 刘晓歌 朱垚 陆明 LIU Xiaoge;ZHU Yao;LU Ming(Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210029,China;Nanjing Medical Science and Technology Data Mining Center)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第7期642-648,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 南京中医药大学横向课题(2019005、2019061、2019062、2019064) 江苏省六大人才高峰项目(013034004002) 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”(2018-Ⅲ-0121)。
关键词 痛经 临证医案 双向关联解析 中医药 数据库 气血辨证 疏肝健脾补肾 用药规律 dysmenorrhea clinical medical case two-way association analysis Chinese medicine database syndrome differentiation of Qi and blood soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney medication rules
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