
基于人工智能的创新变革 被引量:7

AI-based Innovative Change
摘要 人工智能技术作为一项通用目的性技术,具备创新产出和创新投入的双重属性。基于人工智能技术广泛应用价值,在梳理创新模式基础上,构建人工智能“创新投入——吸收重组过程——创新产出”三维分析框架,探讨人工智能通过拓展创新主体搭建新兴技术创新基础平台,推动组织创新,打造新型商业模式四种机制对创新产生的促进作用,分析其对产业升级、经济增长和社会发展的影响具有现实价值。 As a general-purpose technology,Al technology has the dual property of innovative output and innovative input.Based on the value of the widespread application of Al technology,and on the sorting of the innovation paradigm,a three-dimensional analytical framework(including Al innovation input;the process of absorption and reorganization;and Al innovation ouput)has been constructed,in which is discussed the promotion made by Al upon innovation through such four mechanisms as expanding the main body of innovation,building a basic platform for the innovation of emerging technology,promoting organizational innovation and creating new business models.And the analysis of its effects on industrial upgrading,economic growth and social development is of realistic value.
作者 章文光 吴映雄 Zhang Wenguang;Wu Yingxiong(School of Government,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期139-148,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“基于市场导向的创新体系中政府作用边界、机制及优化”(项目编号:18ZDA114)阶段性成果。
关键词 人工智能﹔创新 作用机制 artificial intelligence(AI) innovation functional mechanism
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