
掺加采油含聚废水对水煤浆制备及性能的影响 被引量:4

Effects of polymer containing wastewater from oil production on preparation and properties of coal water slurry
摘要 聚合物驱油技术的发展和应用大大提高了油田原油的采出率,同时产生大量含聚废水,造成环境污染。用工业废水制备水煤浆是处理工业废水的有效途径之一,但鲜见利用采油含聚废水制浆的相关研究。为了研究采油含聚废水对水煤浆制备及性能的影响,以神木烟煤为原料、萘磺酸盐甲醛缩聚物为分散剂,掺加含有阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)的采油含聚废水制备水煤浆。在研究确定分散剂用量及水煤浆浓度的基础上,重点考察了含聚废水掺加量对制备水煤浆的流变性和稳定性的影响。结果表明,利用含聚废水直接制备水煤浆,成浆性能良好,其表观黏度随分散剂用量的增加呈先减小后增大的规律,且随成浆浓度的增大而增大,分散剂用量为0.8%时最大制浆浓度可达56.6%,表观黏度为1183 mPa·s;含聚废水的掺入影响了水煤浆的流变特性,随着含聚废水掺入比例的增加,水煤浆的流动性先变差后逐渐变好,废水掺混比例为20%时,水煤浆具有较低的表观黏度,流动性良好且具有更明显的假塑性流体特征;含聚废水的掺入对水煤浆的稳定性也有较大影响,随着掺混比例的增大,水煤浆的稳定性先增加后降低,掺混较低比例(<40%)的废水可以改善浆体结构,使水煤浆不易形成硬沉淀,从而提高水煤浆的稳定性。 With the development and application of polymer flooding technology,the recovery rate of crude oil is greatly improved.Meanwhile,a large number of polymer containing wastewater is produced,resulting in environmental pollution.The utilization of industrial wastewater in the preparation of coal water slurry(CWS)is one of the effective ways to treat industrial wastewater.However,there are few studies on the use of polymer containing wastewater in the preparation of CWS.In order to study the effect of polymer containing wastewater on the preparation and performance of CWS,coal water slurry(CWS)was prepared by using Shenmu bituminous coal as raw material and naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate as dispersant and anionic polyacrylamide(HPAM)containing wastewater from oil production When the amount of dispersant and the CWS concentration were experimentally determined,the influence of the dosage of polymer containing wastewater on the rheology and stability of CWS was investigated.The results show that the performance of coal water slurry(CWS)prepared from polymer containing wastewater is good.The apparent viscosity of CWS decreases first and then increases with the increase of the amount of dispersant,and increases with the increase of CWS concentration.The CWS has good performance with the maximum pulping concentration of 56.6% and the apparent viscosity of 1183 mPa·s when the concentration of dispersant is 0.8%.The rheological properties of CWS is affected by the addition of polymer containing wastewater.With the increase of the proportion of polymer containing wastewater,the rheological properties of CWS first decreases and then becomes better.When the mixing ratio of wastewater is less than 20%,the CWS has low apparent viscosity,good fluidity and more obvious pseudoplastic fluid.The addition of polymer containing wastewater also has great influence on the stability of CWS.The stability of CWS firstly increases and then decreases as the proportion of polymer containing wastewater increases.The stability of CWS can be improved by mixing waste water with a lower proportion(<40%),for that the addition of polymer containing wastewater improves the slurry structure and makes the CWS hard to form hard precipitation.
作者 张昊 魏征 姜勇 解强 ZHANG Hao;WEI Zheng;JIANG Yong;XIE Qiang(School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Poten Environmental Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2020年第4期72-77,共6页 Clean Coal Technology
基金 中国海洋石油总公司京直地区青年科技与管理创新基金资助项目(JZTW2017SC02)。
关键词 水煤浆 含聚废水 掺混比例 流变性 稳定性 coal water slurry polymer containing wastewater mixing ratio rheological properties stability
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