
国际气候基金的资金筹集与 资金分配的理论探索--兼顾全球帕累托最优与财政收支平衡分析

Theoretical study on fund raising and allocation of international climate fund taking global Pareto optimal and fiscal balance into consideration
摘要 通过构建数理模型,文章分析了国际气候基金应该如何筹集和分配资金,才能同时实现全球气候治理的帕累托最优与自身的财政收支平衡。为此,首先,构建全球气候治理的帕累托最优模型与市场均衡模型,并分别求得帕累托最优实现条件和市场均衡条件;其次,比较二者,求得使市场均衡结果实现全球帕累托最优的唯一的价格条件;紧接着,在该价格条件的基础上,纳入财政收支平衡的考虑,进而推导出兼顾全球帕累托最优与财政收支平衡下的国际气候基金的资金筹集与资金分配所需要遵循的唯一规则;在此基础上,给出了兼顾全球帕累托最优与财政收支平衡下的国际气候基金的资金筹集与资金分配的全部可选方案;最后,提出了逐步推进国际气候基金建设的政策建议。文章的创新有两点:对Baumol和Oates构建的公共外部性模型的假设条件进行修正,从而使本文的结论更加适合于全球气候治理分析;推导得出同时实现全球帕累托最优和国际气候基金收支平衡的唯一价格条件。 This paper analyzes how the international climate fund should raise and allocate funds to achieve global climate governance Pareto optimality and its own fiscal balance.For this purpose,this paper firstly acquires Pareto optimality condition through solving the Pareto optimal model of global climate governance.Secondly,this paper acquires market equilibrium condition through solving market equilibrium model.Then,comparing Pareto optimality condition and market equilibrium condition,this paper infers the necessary and sufficient price conditions that make market equilibrium result realizing the Pareto optimality.Based on this,considering fiscal balance,this paper deduces the only rules to be followed for fund raising and allocation of international climate fund taking global Pareto optimal and fiscal balance into consideration.Then,this paper presents a complete capital raising and allocation program of international climate fund considering global Pareto optimal and fiscal balance,and the corresponding policy recommendations to promote international climate fund.Main innovations of this paper are:(1)it modifies the hypothesis of the public externality model constructed by Baumol&Oates that makes the conclusion of this paper more suitable for global climate governance analysis;(2)it deduces the only price conditions for the global Pareto optimal and fiscal balance of international climate fund.
作者 王荧 黄茂兴 WANG Ying;HUANG Maoxing(College of Finance,Fujian Jiangxia University,Fuzhou 350108,P.R.China;School of Economics,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期70-81,共12页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“我国耕地保护中的土地发展权机制创新的实践与理论研究”(15BJY080)。
关键词 国际气候基金 财政收支平衡 资金筹集与资金分配 全球帕累托最优模型 市场均衡模型 international climate fund fiscal balance fund raising and allocation global Pareto optimal model market equilibrium model
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