
《论语》“仁”学体系考论 --兼及《论语》思想体系的“内隐”特征 被引量:3

Textual research on the system of“benevolence”in the Analects of Confucius:And on the“implicit”characteristics of the ideological system of the Analects of Confucius
摘要 《论语》“仁”学论争主要集中于“仁”概念是否具有明确的定义,是否具有体系性。《论语》中孔子以特定语境中的“省略式”清晰阐释了“仁”本质(爱人)及其临近属概念“德”,朱熹相关注“仁者,爱之理,心之德”可为证。《论语》中还阐释了“仁”本源(孝弟)、价值(利国利民),并进一步具体阐释为以“爱人”为其内核的“恭、宽、信、敏、惠”,以及“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,以及“己所不欲勿施于人”和“克己复礼”等实践要求,以“仁在其中”“近仁”“鲜矣仁”“不仁”等形成“边界”,与老子、苏格拉底比较,是轴心时代早期最为清晰的概念定义且沿用至今。除了解释“仁是什么”,《论语》中还阐释了如何“为仁”,何为“仁者”,由概念、实践特性与实践主体构成完整的元儒“仁”学体系。《论语》“仁”学立足于实践智慧与社会效益,确立了具有鲜明是非、爱憎且注重利国、利民实绩,既非求全责备、也非徒有虚名的“仁者”条件,对于现代人类伦理构建与社会进步具有重要价值。 The debate of“benevolence”in Analects of Confucius mainly focuses on whether the concept of“benevolence”has a clear definition and whether it is systematic.In the Analects of Confucius,the essence of benevolence(loving others)and its adjacent concept“virtue”were clearly explained by“abbreviation”in a specific context.Zhu Xi’s relevant notes“A truly benevolent person is kind-hearted and knows how to love others”can be taken as evidence.In the Analects of Confucius,it also explained the origin(filial piety),and function(benefiting the country and the people)of“benevolence”,and further explained the practical requirements such as“courtesy,leniency,honesty,diligence and kindness”,“I want to stand firm,and also let others stand firm;I want to succeed,and also let others succeed”,“don't impose on others what you don't like”,and“controlling yourself to restore rites”,with“love”as their core.The“boundary”is formed by the concepts of“benevolence in it”,“near benevolence”,“rarely benevolence”and“non-benevolence”.Compared with Laozi and Socrates,it was the clearest definition of the concept in the early axis age and had been used up to now.In addition to the explanation of“what is benevolence”,the Analects of Confucius also explained how to“be benevolent”and what was“a benevolent person”,which was a complete and original Confucian system of benevolence composed of concept,practice characteristics and practice subjects.Based on practical wisdom and social benefits,the theory of benevolence in the Analects of Confucius established the conditions for becoming a benevolent person:having attitude to right and wrong,love and hate;paying attention to the actual performance of“benefiting the country”and“loving the people”,who do not demand perfection,and do not just have a reputation.It has important value for the construction of modern human ethics and social progress.
作者 张中宇 ZHANG Zhongyu(College of Liberal Arts,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期237-248,共12页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《论语》 “仁”概念 “仁”学体系 “内隐” 现代伦理 the Analects of Confucius the concept of“benevolence” the system of“benevolence” “implicit” modern ethics
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