
珠海三角岛沙滩修复工程岸滩演变数值模拟研究 被引量:6

Numerical simulation of beach evolution of Zhuhai Delta Island beach restoration project
摘要 针对三角岛沙滩修复工程,使用岸滩演变数学模型预测三处沙滩在不同设计方案实施后的岸滩冲淤变化情况。研究表明:对于沙滩一,设置了连岛防波堤的方案三最有利于保持沙滩的整体稳定性;对于沙滩二,增设潜堤的方案二对人工沙滩的掩护效果有限,从经济性的角度而言,可选择方案一作为最终选择方案;对于沙滩三,由于未设置掩护措施,岸滩冲淤变化强烈,应在实际工程中考虑增设掩护措施;由工程海域的悬沙落淤强度计算结果结合现场资料,综合判断拟建人工沙滩泥化风险有限。研究结果可为相关工程设计提供参考。 Aiming at the beach restoration project of the Delta Island, the bank and beach evolution mathematical model was used to predict the bank and beach erosion and silting changes of three beaches after the implementation of different design schemes. The results show that: for the first beach, the scheme 3 with a breakwater connected to the island is the best to maintain the overall stability of the beach;for the second beach, the scheme 2 of adding submerged dike has limited shielding effect on artificial beach. From the perspective of economy, the scheme 1 can be selected as the final choice;for the third beach, because there are no screen measures, the erosion and silting of the bank and beach change strongly, it should be considered to add screen measures in the actual project. Based on the calculation results of suspended sediment deposition strength in the engineering sea area and the site data, it is concluded that the risk of artificial beach mud is limited. This paper can provide reference for related engineering design.
作者 张慈珩 信书 赵鹏 郭泉 耿宝磊 ZHANG Ci-heng;XIN Shu;ZHAO Peng;GUO Quan;GENG Bao-lei(Tianjin Research Institute of Water Transport Engineering,National Engineering Laboratory for Port Hydraulic Construction Technology,Key Laboratory of Engineering Sediment of Ministry of Communications,Tianjin 300456,China;School of Architecture and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200032,China;College of Harbor,Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China)
出处 《中国港湾建设》 2020年第7期1-5,共5页 China Harbour Engineering
基金 交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所科研创新基金项目(TKS190304,TKS20200406)。
关键词 数值模拟 沙滩修复 岸滩演变 三角岛 numerical simulation beach restoration beach evolution Delta Island
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