

Research on Compression Deformation Behavior of Directionally Solidified Ti47Al-based Alloy and Bicrystals
摘要 利用定向凝固技术制备Ti47Al基合金,并从中切取双晶,研究它们的压缩变形行为。研究结果表明,在压缩变形过程中,裂纹会在取向差较大的晶界处萌生并沿着晶界进行扩展。裂纹会以沿着片层界面和穿越片层界面两种方式进行扩展,当片层取向与加载方向在45°和60°左右时,裂纹更容易在片层界面萌生并扩展,此时晶界对裂纹的扩展有一定阻碍作用。 Ti47Al-based alloys were prepared using directional solidification technology,and bicrystals were cut from them to study their compression deformation behavior.The results show that during compression deformation,cracks will initiate at the grain boundaries with large misorientation and propagate along the grain boundaries.The crack will propagate along the lamellar interface and through the lamellar interface.When the lamellar orientation and loading direction are around 45°and 60°,the cracks are more likely to generate and propagate at the interface of the lamellar,and the grain boundaries have a certain hindrance to the propagation of the crack.
作者 申军朋 杨森 SHEN Junpeng;YANG Sen(School of Material Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《铸造技术》 CAS 2020年第7期602-606,624,共6页 Foundry Technology
关键词 定向凝固 Ti47Al基合金 双晶 裂纹 directional solidification Ti47Al-based alloy bicrystal crack
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