
优化栽培措施对春玉米密植群体冠层结构及产量形成的调控效应 被引量:27

Regulation Effects of Improved Cultivation Measures on Canopy Structure and Yield Formation of Dense Spring Maize Population
摘要 【目的】研究春玉米密植群体优化栽培模式下冠层结构特征,并探索其对冠层生产的调控机制及对产量提高的贡献。【方法】以耐密高产品种“中单909”为试验材料,设置105000株/hm2种植密度,采用深松(S)、宽窄行(W)及化控(C)的组合,形成4种根-冠优化栽培模式:(1)传统模式(旋耕20 cm,60 cm等行距,RU),(2)耕层优化模式(深松耕作35 cm,60 cm等行距,SU),(3)冠层优化模式(传统旋耕20 cm,80 cm+40 cm宽窄行,叶面喷施磷酸胆碱合剂ECK,RWC),(4)综合优化模式(深松耕作35 cm,80 cm+40 cm宽窄行,叶面喷施磷酸胆碱合剂ECK,SWC)。比较不同栽培模式下冠层大田切片(垂直)、群体光分布、光合性能、蔗糖合成酶活性及籽粒灌浆的差异。【结果】相较于常规栽培模式(RU),耕层优化模式(SU)的玉米冠层叶片干物质增加,冠层优化模式(RWC,SWC)下密植群体株高和穗位高降低30 cm以上,但群体整齐度下降明显;RWC和SWC处理,叶片垂直分布似“纺锤型”更为均匀,垂直高度180—240 cm的光能截获相比传统模式显著降低8%—37%,而穗位以下(120—180 cm)相比传统模式提高44%—129%;RU和SU处理呈现“漏斗型”株型特征,叶片集中分布在冠层顶部。根-冠协同优化可改良高密玉米群体冠层垂直结构,显著提高穗位及穗下叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率,增加穗位叶蔗糖磷酸合酶(SPS)和蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性,维持生育后期冠层叶片的生理活性,延长干物质活跃积累期10 d以上。【结论】综合优化模式(SWC)改变冠层干物质空间分布,增加了密植群体中下部光能截获和光合碳代谢能力,促进了花后冠层物质生产及籽粒灌浆,显著增加玉米籽粒产量。 【Objective】The objective of this study was to clarify the regulating effect of improved cultivation modes on canopy structure and population production of spring maize,and the contribution for grain yield increasing in the future.【Method】Maize cultivar“Zhongdan 909”was used as experimental materials,under 105000 plants/hm2 as planting density,setting four cultivation modes via the combination among different cultivation measures,which were subsoiling tillage(S),wide-narrow rows(W),and chemical regulator(C):(1)Traditional mode(rotary tillage 20 cm,plus 60 cm uniform plant spacing;RU),(2)Tillage improved mode(subsoiling tillage 35 cm,plus 60 cm uniform plant spacing;SU),(3)Canopy improved mode(traditional rotary tillage 20 cm,plus 80+40 cm plant spacing,and foliar spraying ECK;RWC),and(4)Synthetically improved mode(subsoiling tillage 35 cm,plus 80+40 cm plant spacing,and foliar spraying ECK;SWC).Investigated based on the differences of canopy continual sections(vertical),light distribution,photosynthesis,activity of the key sucrose synthetase enzyme,the dry matter accumulation,and grain fulling.【Result】Compared with the traditional mode(RU;CK),the green leaf weight of tillage improved mode(SU)increased obviously,and the height and ear height of population reduced more than 30 cm under the canopy improved conditions(RWC and SWC),but the regularity degree of maize population were declined markedly;The leaves vertical distribution more uniformly,looked like“spindle type”,were the vertical height of 180-240 cm light interception and was significantly less than traditional mode(8%-37%),while the ear position(120-180 cm)was significantly higher than traditional mode(44%-129%);However,the leaves distribution of RU and SU treatments were more like“funnel type”,leaves were concentrated in the upper layer.Tillage and canopy improving synergistically could improve the canopy vertical structure significantly,promoted the chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate of leaves at ear position and under ear position,as well as enzyme activity own in the sucrose metabolic of ear position leaf.Maintaining the physiological activity of canopy leaves in the late growth stage,which would prolong the active accumulation period of dry matter more than 10 days.【Conclusion】Synthetical improved mode(SWC)significantly increased the light transmission and Cmetabolic activity of leaves via changing the biomass spatial distribution,which promoted the canopy productivity of the functional leaves meanwhile the grain filling,then the grain yield were enhanced dramatically.
作者 朴琳 李波 陈喜昌 丁在松 张宇 赵明 李从锋 PIAO Lin;LI Bo;CHEN XiChang;DING ZaiSong;ZHANG Yu;ZHAO Ming;LI CongFeng(Institute of Crop Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081;Maize Research Institute,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086)
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第15期3048-3058,共11页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0300103) 国家玉米产业技术体系专项(CARS-02-12) 国家自然科学基金项目(31971852) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2018M631905)。
关键词 春玉米 栽培措施 冠层结构 干物质 密植 籽粒产量 spring maize cultivation measures canopy structure dry matter high plant density grain yield
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