
中国文化产业学术研究的历史意识——兼评胡惠林先生《文化产业发展的中国道路》 被引量:1

Historical Consciousness of Academic Research on Chinese Cultural Industries——Commentson Mr.Hu Huilin’s “China Road to the Development of Cultural Industries”
摘要 中国文化产业的发展道路,是中国社会重大转型进程中被历史地提出来的重大理论与现实命题。如何"以中国的方式"追溯并重建中国乃至世界文化产业的"过去感",解释并回答"转型中"中国文化产业"向何处去"的历史追问,是中国文化产业学术研究的历史使命。作为中国文化产业研究的第一代学者,胡惠林先生新著围绕文化产业实践领域的若干重大命题,按"理论—政策—战略"的逻辑,对当代中国文化产业与历史中国文化产业开展了实质而非形式的交互式对话。书中蕴含并渗透的历史意识,是隐藏于显性逻辑背后的更深层逻辑,是不同时期撰写的文章相互生发并建构一种内在体系性的原逻辑。先生并未停留于历史的细节之中,而是把文化产业的中国道路放到历史场域中加以考察和剖析,探索中国文化产业学术话语体系的创造性建构。先生念兹在兹的中国文化产业学术话语体系是一个开放的研究系统,中国文化产业学术研究正在开创属于它的历史。 The development path of Chinese cultural industries is a major theoretical and practical proposition which is put forward during the process of major transformation of Chinese society.How to trace back and rebuild the past history of Chinese and the world’s cultural industries "in the way of China",and how to explain and answer the historical inquiry of"where to go" for the Chinese cultural industries during the process of transformation,these are the historical missions of academic research for the Chinese cultural industries.As the first generation scholar in the study of Chinese cultural industries,Mr.Hu Huilin’s new work focuses on some important topics in the practical field of cultural industries,and carries out a substantive but not formal interactive dialogue between contemporary Chinese cultural industries and historical Chinese cultural industries according to the logic of "theory-policy-strategy".The historical consciousness contained in the book is the deeper logic hidden behind the logic of "theory-policy-strategy",and the original logic of the internal system of the articles written by Mr.Hu in different periods.He did not stay in the details of history,but put the Chinese road of cultural industries into the field of history to examine and analyze,and to explore the creative construction of academic discourse system for Chinese cultural industries.The academic discourse system which Mr.HU has deeply concerned is an open research system.The academic research of Chinese cultural industries is creating its own history.
作者 章军杰 Zhang JunJie
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《中国文化产业评论》 2020年第1期409-421,共13页 Commentary on Cultural Industry in China
基金 国家社科基金艺术学青年项目“县域文化产业与历史文化资源协调发展研究”(2017GH05471) 山东大学基本科研业务费专项项目的阶段性成果。
关键词 中国文化产业 学术话语体系 中国道路 历史意识 胡惠林 Chinese Cultural Industries Academic Discourse System China Road Historical Consciousness Mr.Hu Huilin
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