
从抽象走向实在:黑格尔重构权利概念的历史主义内核 被引量:3

From Abstract to Actuality: The Historical Essence of Hegel’s Reconstruction of Right
摘要 在黑格尔的哲学体系中,法和权利是其晚期政治哲学的核心概念,既体现出他对启蒙以来的形式主义权利建构的批判,又展现了他对新兴资产阶级政治诉求的历史考察。在对精神趋向于自由的发展环节的考察中,黑格尔试图将居于伦理维度的法和权利从理性主义二元结构中解放出来。因为只有这样才能揭示抽象法的肯定性与否定性,并要求抽象法通过理性国家克服其特殊性,从而成为真正的普遍物。当然,由于对启蒙智识的批判,黑格尔对市民社会和抽象法的论述通常会呈现出与资本主义政治相矛盾的表象。但是,如果把握了黑格尔法哲学的辩证性和历史性,就不难辨识出其权利概念所隐含的指向人类自由解放的革命性内容。只不过这些内容在绝对精神的哲学叙述中走向了一个可能的历史终结点。在这一终结时刻,市民社会的特殊性将得到扬弃,理性与意志在普遍物中实现了否定之否定,而权利和自由最终被实在地完成。 The concepts of law and right stay in the centre of late Hegelian political philosophy, which not only reflects his criticism of the construction of formalist right since the Enlightenment, but also shows his historical investigation of the political demands of the bourgeoisie. In the investigation of the development of the spirit towards freedom, Hegel tried to liberate the law and right in the ethical dimension from the dual structure of rationalism. Because only in this way can the positivity and negativity of abstract law be revealed, and the abstract law be required to overcome its particularity through a state of reasoning, thus becoming somthing which is truely universal. Surely, due to the criticism of Enlightenment, Hegel’s account of civil society and abstract law seems contradictory to capitalist politics. However, if there is a good command of the dialectical and historical nature of Hegel’s philosophy of law, it is not difficult to identify the revolutionary content implied in its concept of right that points to human liberation. It is just that these contents have reached a possible historical end in the philosophical narrative of absolute spirit. Finally, the particularity of civil society will be discarded, rationality and willpower have realized the negation of negation in something which is universal, but rights and freedoms are fulfilled in the end.
作者 包大为 BAO Dawei(School of Marxism,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028,China)
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期67-77,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本业务费专项资金资助。
关键词 权利 黑格尔 历史 自由 law rights hegel history freedom
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  • 1黑格尔.《精神哲学》,北京:人民出版社,2006年,第1页.
  • 2黑格尔.《法哲学原理》,张企泰、范扬译,北京:商务印书馆,1995年,第309页.
  • 3G. W. F. Hegel. Elements of the philosophy of right Editor' s Introduction. edited by Allen W. Wood, translated by H. B. Bisbet, Cambridge University Press , 1991.
  • 4Robert B. Pippin. Hegel on institutional rationality, Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2001, 39.
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  • 7Alex Honneth. Suffering from indeterminacy: An attempt at a reactualization of Hegel's philosophy of right, Netherlands: Van Gorcum Publishers, 2000.
  • 8Z. A. Pelczynski. The State and Civil Society, Cambridge University Press, 1984.
  • 9黑格尔.法哲学原理[M].北京:商务印书馆,1961.296.
  • 10Jaeschke, Hegel-Handbuch,第45页.












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