
区域路网货物运输量统计方法改进 被引量:4

Improved Statistical Method Measuring Freight Traffic Volume in Regional Road Network
摘要 为更加准确获取行政区域内路网货物运输量及运输量结构性数据,支撑交通运输行业主管部门决策,在分析区域路网运输量和车辆运输量关系的基础上,依托高速公路收费的全样本数据和公路交通调查数据,采用货车日均断面交通量和等效里程两个类比指标,提出区域路网货物运输量改进的统计方法.按照公路技术等级对区域路网运输量进行细化,拆分得到运输量结构性数据,建立区域路网运输量和车辆运输量之间的联系.以云南省为例进行分析,结果表明:云南省区域路网货运周转量中,高等级公路比例约为71%,其中,高速公路比例达54%;云南省与外省区域间车辆流动性不大,经济开放程度不高. Accurately measuring freight traffic volume and traffic volume structure of the road network plays an important role of supporting the decision-making of the competent departments in transportation industry.This study proposes an improved statistical method for regional network freight traffic volume measurement using truck daily average section traffic volume and equivalent mileage as two analogy indexes.The proposed method considers the relationship between regional network transport volume and vehicle transport volumes and analyzes the full sample data from expressway toll collection and highway traffic surveys.The traffic volume of regional road network was refined based on the highway technology level.The structural transport volume was then obtained,and the connection between regional network transport volume and vehicle transport volume was established.The case study analyzed the freight transportation in Yunnan province of China.The results indicate that:the freight turnover of high-grade highways accounts for about 71%of total regional turnover volume.The freight turnover of Expressway accounts for 54%.The freight transport volumes between Yunnan and other provinces are relatively low,which indicates the degree of economic openness needs improvements.
作者 段莉珍 栾庆熊 赵鑫 DUAN Li-zhen;LUAN Qing-xiong;ZHAO Xin(Yunnan Academy of Transportation Sciences Co.,Ltd,Kunming 650011,China)
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期28-33,共6页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 云南省交通运输厅科技项目(2017(A)07).
关键词 公路运输 区域路网运输量 统计方法改进 货运周转量 类比指标 highway transportation traffic volume of regional road network improved statistical methods turnover volume of freight traffic analogy index
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