

Application of spinal and epidural blocking labor analgesia and balloon bionicmidwifery on trial of labor for cesarean scar pregnancy patients
摘要 剖宫产为临床分娩的主流方式,术后可引发多种合并症,其中瘢痕子宫再次妊娠的问题不可回避,而关于此类妊娠的分娩方式始终是临床处理相对棘手的难题,近年来关于剖宫产术后再次妊娠阴道试产(trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery,TOLAC)的概念引起人们重视,并在2010年的研讨会上达成共识和认可。本研究旨在探讨椎管内阻滞分娩镇痛和气囊仿生技术在瘢痕子宫妊娠阴试产中的应用进展,为产科、麻醉科同仁提供科学依据。 Cesarean delivery might cause multiple complications.Consequently,the selection of proper delivery modes is quite difficult.In 2010,the concept of TOLAC(trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery)was focused in the seminar.Therefore,the application of spinal and epidural blocking labor analgesia and balloon bionic midwifery is expounded,providing scientific basis on the researches of obstetrics and anesthesiology.
作者 黄瑞平 Huang Ruiping(Nanning Maternal&Child Health Hospital,Nanning,Guangxi 530011)
出处 《中外女性健康研究》 2020年第15期17-18,29,共3页 Women's Health Research
基金 南宁市科学研究与技术开发计划项目,编号:20185066-6。
关键词 椎管内阻滞分娩 气囊仿生技术 瘢痕子宫妊娠 阴道试产 Spinal and epidural blocking labor analgesia Balloon bionic midwifery Cesarean scar pregnancy Trial of labor
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