

Using the Theory of Organizational Innovation to Improve College Students’Team
摘要 随着"大众创业、万众创新"的深入推进,高校不断加大学生参与各种创业创新比赛的投入,学生参加比赛的热情也越来越高。但由于现阶段的参与比赛的各种学生团队管理水平较低,很多团队并没有发挥出团队应有的创新水平。对于不少的高校创新团队来说,创新管理存在一系列的问题,如过于重视项目的成果与比赛成绩,侧重于经费管理,往往忽略了日常管理,特别是对于创新团队成员之间的沟通、交流和团队精神的培养缺乏有效的指导。本文拟从组织创新理论下手,探讨新时期、新型态下创新团队的管理方法。 With the deepening of"mass entrepreneurship and innovation",colleges and universities continue to increase the investment of college students to participate in various entrepreneurship and innovation competitions,and the enthusiasm of students to participate in the competition is also increasing.However,due to the low management level of various student teams participating in the competition at this stage,many teams have not played their due innovation level.For many innovation teams in colleges and universities,there are a series of problems in innovation management,such as overemphasizing project results and competition results,focusing on fund management,often neglecting daily management,especially lack of effective guidance for communication and communication among members of innovation team and cultivation of team spirit.Based on the theory of organizational innovation,this paper discusses the management methods of innovation team in the new era and new state.
作者 孙明 陈作尊 蔡静雯 卢婉敏 Sun Ming;Chen Zuozun;Cai Jingwen;Lu Wanmin(Zhuhai College of Jilin University,Guangdong,519041)
出处 《当代化工研究》 2020年第16期117-119,共3页 Modern Chemical Research
基金 2017年度广东省本科高校高等教育教学改革项目:依托创客空间实施创新创业教育教学改革的研究与实践(2017668) 2018年度广东省本科高校创新创业教育改革研究项目:吉林大学珠海学院创客空间(2018A104810) 2019年度省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:大学生创新团队绩效研究(S201913684031)。
关键词 组织创新 创造力 胜任力 创新团队 organizational innovation creativity competence innovation team
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