
螺栓法兰连接结构简化动力学建模及模型参数辨识 被引量:7

Simplified dynamic modeling and model parametric identification for bolted flange connection structures
摘要 螺栓法兰连接结构内含接触、间隙等多种非线性因素,导致该结构的动力学分析变得异常复杂且耗时,构建简化动力学模型是提高计算效率的主要手段之一。把螺栓法兰连接处理为黑盒子,并截取螺栓法兰连接结构的部分竖直部段,以形成"局部连接结构"。获得螺栓法兰连接对接面的接触特性后,采用若干个拉压刚度不同的弹簧阻尼单元对单个螺栓连接进行了简化,进而得到了局部连接结构的简化动力学模型。根据典型动载荷作用下的动力学响应数据,采用力状态映射法对简化动力学模型进行了参数辨识。动力学试验数据表明,螺栓法兰连接结构简化动力学模型的预测误差不超过20%。 Bolted flange connection structures contain contact, gap, etc. multiple nonlinear factors to cause their dynamic analysis to be very complex and time-consuming, so constructing a simplified dynamic model is one of the main means to improve computational efficiency. Here, a bolted flange connection structure was treated as a black box, and a part of its vertical section was cut out to form a "local connected structure". After obtaining contact features of bolted flange connection butt surface, a single bolted connection was simplified as several spring-damping elements with different tension-compression rigidities to further obtain a simplified dynamic model of the local connected structure. The simplified dynamic model’s parameters were identified using the force-state mapping method according to its dynamic response data under the action of typical dynamic loads. Dynamic test data showed that the prediction errors of the simplified dynamic model for a bolted flange connection structure are not more than 20%.
作者 蒋国庆 洪荣 陈万华 JIANG Guoqing;HONG Rong;CHEN Wanhua(China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第15期170-175,共6页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
关键词 螺栓连接 动力学模型 力状态映射法 参数辨识 bolted connection dynamic model force-state mapping parametric identification
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