
一个还是多个:认同极化与当代以色列的身份政治困境 被引量:8

Is Israel One or Many?Identity Polarization and the Political Dilemma of Contemporary Israel
摘要 进入20世纪90年代,在主导性的以色列身份之外,以色列社会形成了多个特征鲜明的次认同群体:极端正统派、俄裔移民、以色列阿拉伯人、外来边缘群体(外籍劳工和非法移民)等。以这些次认同群体为基础,出现了身份政治的极化,在犹太人与阿拉伯人之间、宗教群体与世俗人士之间、新移民与老移民之间、左右翼之间形成了四大主要社会裂缝。认同极化彰显了困扰已久的民族、宗教、族群、意识形态等矛盾,极大地影响着以色列的政治稳定,导致当前以色列政坛分化为五大政党势力:右翼、中左翼、宗教阵营、阿拉伯人、俄裔移民。在此情况下,政治的弹性空间日益压缩,各个党派合作妥协的余地不断缩小,成为以色列政治僵局的深层次根源。从2019年4月至2020年3月,不到一年之内以色列三度举行大选,在"新冠"疫情和各种内外压力下才结束了18个月的看守状态、组建联合政府,但各大政治力量之间的对立并未消除。从根本上看,以色列身份政治的核心悖论和持久困境是,在谋求单一犹太属性的理想和多元族群并存的现实之间存在难以克服的矛盾。 In the 1990 s,in addition to the dominant Israeli identity,Israeli society formed a number of distinctive sub-identity groups:ultra-orthodox Jews,Russian immigrants,Israeli Arabs,foreign marginalized groups(foreign workers and illegal immigrants)and so on.Based on these sub-identity groups,identity politics became polarized,and four major society cleavages have formed between Jews and Arabs,between religious groups and secular people,between new immigrants and old immigrants,and between left and right wings.Identity polarization has greatly affected Israel’s political stability,leading to the formation of five major powers in the Israeli political arena:right-wing,center-left,religious camp,Arabs,and Russian immigrants.Under this circumstance,the space for political flexibility is shrinking,and the room for compromise between various parties is also constantly shrinking,which has become one of the deep-rooted causes of the current Israeli political deadlock.From April 2019 to March 2020,Israel held three general elections in less than a year.Under the Covid-19 Pandemic and various internal and external pressures,Israel ended its 18 months cabinet guarding state and formed a coalition government.However,the opposition between the major political forces has not been eliminated.Fundamentally,the core paradox and enduring dilemma of Israeli identity politics is the insurmountable contradiction between seeking the ideal of a single Jewish state and the reality of coexistence of multiple ethnic groups.
作者 艾仁贵 Ai Rengui
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期51-80,共30页 West Asia and Africa
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“以色列移民政策史研究”(17CSS013)的阶段性成果。
关键词 身份政治 以色列 社会裂缝 认同极化 政治僵局 Identity Politics Israel Social Cleavages Identity Polarization Political Deadlock
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