
中国大学英语慕课学分认定情况调查报告 被引量:2

A Survey on the Credit Recognition of College English MOOCs in China
摘要 慕课学分认定是慕课良性发展的基础。我国慕课建设如火如荼,但是慕课学分认定现状却不容乐观。本研究通过对全国100所院校的大学英语慕课学分认定情况进行调查发现,受访教师对学生慕课学习效果的认可度不高;超过半数的受访者认为大学英语慕课学分认定条件还不成熟;实施学分认定障碍重重。本次调查也收集了受访者对我国大学英语慕课学分认定的建议,建议涉及政府、高校、专业协会和平台四个层面。研究认为,我国急需出台国家层面的课程建设质量标准和慕课学分认定指南,打破慕课跨校学分认定障碍。 The credit recognition of MOOCs is the foundation of the sound development of MOOC resources.The construction of MOOCs is in full swing in China,but the status quo of MOOCs credit recognition is not optimistic.A nationwide questionnaire survey on the credit recognition of College English MOOCs was conducted to fully and objectively understand the current situation of credit recognition of College English MOOCs and to provide a basis for credit recognition and management of MOOCs in China.The content of the questionnaire includes the construction and application of College English MOOCs,credit recognition methods and its relevant policies.This online questionnaire was filled in by 246 teachers at universities who are familiar with MOOCs.74 uncompleted or unreasonable questionnaires were eliminated,and 72 questionnaires answered by teachers from higher vocational colleges or the same university were also deleted.100 questionnaires were left for analysis,representing 100 universities.The results show that fewer than half of the respondents have a positive perception towards the learning effect of MOOCs;more than half of them think that the conditions are not mature for credit recognition of College English MOOCs;and there still exist many obstacles in the implementation of credit recognition.The survey also collected the suggestions of the respondents on the credit recognition of College English MOOCs,which involved four levels:government,universities,professional associations and MOOC platforms.According to the research,it is urgent to issue national quality standards and credit recognition guidelines for MOOCs credit recognition.The Ministry of Education of China should formulate scientific and unified standards for college English MOOC construction.Universities should also give sufficient funding to support the course construction,strengthen the construction of the teachers’team,and establish a MOOC credit recognition office.The platforms need to be deeply involved in solving technical and operational issues,and provide online learning and supervision modes to urge learners to complete video learning,homework and testing,forum interaction and other learning materials.In addition,there should be a strict assessment system and a multidimensional evaluation mechanism to ensure MOOC teaching and learning.The following problems also need to be solved in the credit recognition of College English MOOCs.Firstly,a credit management mechanism needs to be established,such as for selting the credit value and credit ceiling.Secondly,the supervision of the students’learning process needs to be improved,given that learners have different levels of autonomous learning ability,which should be taken into consideration.Thirdly,some MOOC lecturers are not qualified enough to provide professional feedback and support learning services.Fourthly,the fairness and credibility of the performance appraisal mechanism needs to be improved.Finally,the policy lags behind,and the national or provincial education departments urgently need to introduce a feasible MOOCs credit system.There is still a long way to go for the recognition and conversion of MOOCs credits in China.
作者 蒋艳 马武林 轩雅莉 JIANG Yan;MA Wulin;XUAN Ya-li(Academy of Innovation Education,CQTBI,Chongqing 400052,China;College of Foreign Languages Teaching,Sichuan International Studies University,Chongqing 400031,China;Chongqing Nanping Middle School,Chongqing 400065,China)
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期23-29,4,共8页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 “北京外国语大学北京高校高精尖学科‘外语教育学’建设项目”(项目编号:2020SYLZDXM011) 国家社科基金项目“基于动态系统理论的外语类在线开放课程学习者粘性现状分析及影响因素模型建构”(项目编号:19BYY230) 2017年重庆市教委人文社科重点项目“优秀外语微课社会效益转化模式研究”(项目编号:17SKG109)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 大学英语慕课 学分认定 问卷调查 College English MOOCs Credit Recognition Questionnaire
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