More attention should be paid to community correction in rural areas because of its more seriousness than that in urban areas. A case study was conducted in Wangzhen Town,a rural community in China. The results suggest that community correction in rural community in China is facing problems in four aspects. First,unawareness of rules and herd mentality lead to probationers’ resistance to plead guilty and show repentance,especially those who committed gang crimes and intentional crimes. Second,traditional customs,values and concepts of honor and disgrace are changing but emotional bonds between the locals are still established,which have both positive and negative influences on resocialization of offenders. Third,the probationers with less education and limited ability to make a living are difficult to be corrected because they under the influences of money worship and hedonism commit property crimes. Fourth,non-detained probationers show their relatively negative attitudes toward community correction compared with those who received correction in prison or before trial. In this setting,positive measures should be taken to improve community correction.
Journal of Public Security Science