
二元态度下的网购消费者隐私悖论形成机制 被引量:15

The Formation Mechanism of Consumer Privacy Paradox in Online Shopping under Dual Attitude
摘要 [目的/意义]互联网购物方式逐渐成为主流消费趋势,同时,消费者隐私保护问题日益突出,“高关注低保护”的隐私悖论也被争议良久。[方法/过程]该文以态度三要素理论为基础构建模型,考察隐私认知、隐私情感、隐私意向之间的关系,研究隐私悖论形成路径。调查回收210份有效问卷,利用SPSS 24.0和Amos24.0进行结构模型分析和多群组分析。[结果/结论]研究结果:隐私关注和隐私倦怠受到感知威胁严重性和感知自我效能的影响,隐私保护倾向和隐私保护脱离倾向受到隐私关注和隐私倦怠的影响,隐私经历在认知、情感和意向的关系上有调节作用。结论表明:隐私倦怠和隐私保护脱离倾向的引入可以有效解读隐私悖论,隐私关注和隐私倦怠的二元情感是悖论的核心,隐私悖论或是隐私保护意向的抉择所致,并且隐私经历会影响悖论的形成。 [Purpose/Significance]Internet shopping has gradually become the mainstream consumption trend,at the same time,the problem of consumer privacy protection has become increasingly prominent,and the privacy paradox of"high concern and low protection"has been controversial for a long time.[Method/Process]Based on the theory of attitude,this paper constructed a model to research the relationship among privacy cognition,privacy emotion and privacy intention,and the formation path of privacy paradox.210 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed by SPSS 24.0 and Amos 24.0.[Result/Conclusion]From the research,Privacy concern and privacy burnout were affected by the severity of perceived threat and perceived self-efficacy,and privacy protection tendency and privacy separation tendency were affected by privacy concern and privacy burnout.Privacy experience regulated the relationship among cognition,emotion and intention.The conclusion showed that the introduction of privacy burnout and privacy protection deviating tendency could effectively interpret the privacy paradox.The dual emotion of privacy concern and privacy burnout were the core of the paradox,which was caused by the choice of privacy protection intention,and the privacy experience would affect the form of the paradox.
作者 吴丁娟 朱侯 Wu Dingjuan;Zhu Hou(Health Management College of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 511436;School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006)
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期160-165,173,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目“社会化媒体用户-平台互动均衡下隐私规制机理研究”(编号:18YJC630272) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“泛在智慧环境下社会化媒体用户隐私泄露行为模式及其治理研究”(编号:1809145)研究成果之一
关键词 网购消费者 隐私悖论 二元态度 隐私倦怠 隐私保护脱离 online shopping consumer privacy paradox dual attitude privacy burnout privacy protection separation
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